when you're terminally ill; M.YG

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Tear rushed down his face as he watched over you, your body connected to so many wires and tubes in order to keep you alive. It had been no secret that you'd been very ill for a while, in crippling pain that was nearly impossible to deal with. Yoongi had known that days like these would come but now they were here he wished that it was him.

"You don't deserve this, it should be me." Yoongi cried into his hands, the soft beep of the heart monitor being the only source of comfort. Just knowing that you were still breathing gave him hope, no matter what your diagnosis had been. The doctors said the cancer was terminal as it had spread to other parts of your body before they could've stopped it.

Yoongi was in denial of course and refused to believe that he was going to have to let go of you in the end. He was still clinging onto the dream of growing old with you and having children, happy and content with the lives that you had. But that was being viciously ripped away from him as your health rapidly declined.

"You can't leave me yet baby, it isn't your time. Didn't you dream of coming to France with me and seeing the Eiffel Tower? Or Times Square? Those things are still possible, I won't give up on you." He said firmly as he took your fragile hand into his large palm and kissed it, eyes closing as more tears dropped onto the crisp white bed sheets.

"The doctors are saying that you're not going to make it but I know that you will. You've been doing so well recently, there's hope. Come on doll, just open your eyes and give me that beautiful smile I fell in love with." Yoongi pleaded, now holding your palm to his cheek in attempt to trick himself into believing that you were cupping his cheek.

He was heartbroken and crushed, seeing you like that did something to him and it wasn't pleasant. For months he had watched over you with a wide smile, hopeful that you were going to recover and that the chemotherapy would work. Not once had he doubted you or thought that things would get like this which is why he was so distraught. He hadn't prepared himself for this kind of pain.

"When you get out of here, we're going to go right out into the countryside and get a cottage, just like you wanted. This is all just a speed bump in our life, we'll get through it you'll see. We're going to have everything we ever-" Yoongi was cut off by the large beeping of the heart monitor, his eyes widening in fear and panic.

A swarm of doctors rushed into the room and began to take stats and procedures, attempting to get your heart to start beating again. Yoongi was hailed backwards by 2 doctors in which he fought against, desperately trying to get to you as he wanted to be with you in your last moments.

"No! No Y/n, let go of me she's dying! Y/n please don't leave me, please!" Yoongi begged before he was restrained and kept outside of the room, hands behind his back as his and your family tried everything to calm him down. They tried to reassure him that he'd get through it and that you'd always be with him.

"I'll never be okay." Yoongi mumbled, huge tears rolling down his cheeks as he heard the doctors declare your death date and time. All hope and determination had left, almost as if they had died along with you.

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