Reacting to you speaking in your native language; K.NJ

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Speaking to your mother in front of always people was always hard for you, embarrassing even. It was no secret to the people you surrounded yourself with like your boyfriend Namjoon that you were bilingual and had to speak to your mother in your native language but you were always hesitant to speak in front of them. Deep down you knew that Namjoon didn't care what your native language sounded like when you spoke but it was something you didn't feel comfortable with sharing.

"Es ist so lange her, seit wir das letzte Mal gesprochen haben. Ich habe dich vermisst, seit du nach Korea gezogen bist. Alles läuft gut? (It's been so long since we last spoke. I have missed you since you moved to Korea y/n. Is everything going well?)" Your mother exclaimed as soon as you answered your phone after making sure that you were safe inside your room, far from Namjoon's hearing range. You giggled at your mother's concern before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, reminding yourself to talk in German.

"Alles ist perfekt, Mutter, mir geht es gut. Ich entschuldige mich dafür, dass ich so lange gebraucht habe, um Sie zu kontaktieren. Ich war beschäftigt. Wie geht es Vater? (Everything is perfect mother, I am doing well. I apologise for taking so long to contact you, I have been...busy. How is father?)" You asked, shocking yourself as your gotten so used to how your voice sounded whilst speaking Korean that you'd forgotten how different your accent actually was whilst speaking German. Whilst you were speaking, Namjoon had managed to creep up to the door and press his ear to it so that he could hear what you were saying. He had no idea who you were on the phone to but when it came to him that he couldn't understand a word you were saying, it was obvious that you were speaking to your mother.

The way your accent had drastically changed did something to Namjoon, a warmth spreading through his chest as he continued to listen to you ramble about whatever in your newly heard language. Even though he didn't have a clue what you were talking about, Namjoon could've stayed and listened to you talking in your native language for hours on end without getting bored. But he knew that he couldn't as it sounded like you were ending the conversation with your mother.

"Es war toll, mit dir zu reden, Mutter, aber ich muss gehen, ich habe noch einen Job zu erledigen. Sag Vater, dass ich ihn liebe, okay?
(It was great catching up with you mother but I will have to go, I have a paper I need to finish. Tell father that I love him okay?)" You finalised, cutting your mother off as she'd previously been attempting to convince you to move back home with her. Her argument was that your old bedroom was empty without anyone to fill it and then that your family dog was crying for you, even though every time you saw the old dog it plotted to bite you.

Namjoon saw the ghost of a smile that hid behind the wall of your stony facial expressions, only being able to imagine what the two of you were talking about that was making you smile like that. He figured that it was something humorous but melancholy at the same time, making you want to laugh but also reminding you of old times. The only thing Namjoon could connect these emotions and an event in your life was the fact that you'd moved to Korea to be with him.

"Wie traurig. Bitte ruf mich bald wieder an, ich habe deine Stimme sehr verpasst. Weißt du nur, dass dein Zimmer immer für dich gemacht ist, wenn du, ich weiß nicht, vielleicht nach Hause kommen willst? Auf Wiedersehen für heute! (How sad. Please call me again soon, I have really missed your voice. Just know that your room is always made up for you if you, I do not know, maybe want to come home? Bye now!)" The call then ended and you laid back on the bed, sighing deeply as your heart ached to see your mother and father after being gone so long. The sound of your mother's voice was saddening but soothing at the same time.

"I honestly don't know why you're so embarrassed of speaking your native language in front of me. It's truly enchanting." Namjoon voiced, causing you to sit up out of shock and glare at him. Chuckling to himself, Namjoon walked over to you and tucked himself into your side with his arms wrapped over your waist so that you were pressed against his chest. Your cheeks had lit bright red in embarrassment but you didn't say anything, not wanting to talk about it. Namjoon understood but that didn't mean that he stopped pestering to hear it again multiple times after that, having become addicted to your native language.

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