Lost Without You; M.YG

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'Standing on the platform, watching you go'

With tears streaming down your face like a river, you slowly walked with Yoongi to the train platform in which the train he was getting on would be waiting for him. The news of Yoongi going on tour and leaving you for 6 months had come at such a short notice that you hadn't had any time to prepare yourself, your mind not being able to properly process the thought of Yoongi leaving so soon.

The plans the two of you had made for the future seemed impossible now as you got closer and closer to the end, your fingers clinging to Yoongi's hand as if it would keep him with you. But you weren't foolish enough to even dream of Yoongi being able to prevent the inevitable. The change it was going bring to your relationship was that of unseen proportions and consequences but you could do nothing but sit and watch it happen, merely hoping that everything would turn out ok. The last thing you wanted was to lose Yoongi, he was the love of your life, the only man for you.

The coldness of his fingers mirrored his emotions: melancholy, heartbroken and regret. He regretted bringing you into this type of situation when he knew that it would end in flames, too selfish to push you away before things got too serious. Yoongi didn't want to leave you for the amount of time needed but he had no choice in the matter, the contracts already filled out so that there was no turning back. If he didn't go then it would ruin it for the other members of BTS and you both knew that you couldn't be selfish at this moment in time, even though you wanted to be, so desperately.

'It's like no other pain, I've ever known'

Your heart felt like it was slowly shattering and tearing itself apart from the inside, the remaining parts still beating for one person: Min Yoongi. An uncomfortable ache had settled in your body as you registered that this was probably the last time that you were going to see Yoongi face to face in a very long time and that thought was unsettling. You'd come accustomed to seeing his pouty lips and porcelain skin every morning once you'd woken up, mentally swooning over his rough morning voice. It was hard to think that soon enough you'd be waking up to nothing but the silence of your empty apartment.

Normal functioning of the body seemed impossible at this point as Yoongi's large hands cupped your cheeks, a sorrowful expression on his face as he breathed deeply. Your legs were about to give up on you and cause you to fall but you stayed strong, desperately clinging to Yoongi as if he were anchoring you to the ground. By now, people had already began to pile onto the train but Yoongi wanted to wait until the very last second so that he could have the most time with you without interruptions. The dark orbs that relates in his face searched your own as he were trying to permanently etch your features into his memory so that he would never be able to forget.

Floods and floods of tears streamed down the both of yours and Yoongi's cheeks, an atmosphere of heartbreak and pain lingering around you that was so different from the normal peace that surrounded you. Neither of you wanted to let the other go but you had to, it was the right thing to do for everyone. Repeating that the time would fly was the only thing keeping you from going insane as you stared at your soulmate with heartbroken eyes.

It was too hard to speak for each time you attempted to do so your throat clogged up and you choked on the words you intended to say. So you just looked long and hard into his eyes, knowing that words didn't matter as your eyes spoke each and every syllable with much more meaning than your lips could ever express.

'To love someone so much...'

"I love you." He said breathlessly, eyes slightly red and puffy from his attempt at keeping the tears at bay which failed once one or two slipped down his cheeks, the rest tumbling down afterwards. This was the sight of true heartbreak, anyone could see the raw emotion he felt towards losing you. You desperately wanted to pull Yoongi out of the train station and take him home so that you could cuddle up with him on the couch or your bed but that wasn't possible anymore. If a genie were to offer 3 wishes you'd have only asked for one: to keep Yoongi safe by your side forever.

"I love you too, forever and always." You promised, ignoring the slight drizzle of rain that was beginning to cover you like a blanket, sending shivers down your spine. The only source of heat you could get was from Yoongi's chest in which you leaned closer into, not being able to bare any distance from him. Yoongi sniffled sadly and connected his lips to yours one last time, making sure that it was passion filled and emotional as he wasn't going to feel your lips on his for another 6 months. The pain was real and it was everything that the movies and books said it would be like, even more painful than that by a long shot.

"... to have no control"

And as soon as Yoongi boarded the train, it sped away as fast as lightning as if it didn't want to give Yoongi time to change his mind and go home. You waited at the edge of the platform and watched as it sped down hills until it was out of sight, taking your beloved Yoongi with it, as far away as it could. Everything was against the two of you being together, that was what it felt like. As if he had taken it with him, every ounce of energy seemed to leave your body and left you feeling tired and weak, a slight headache sending you dizzy and disoriented. Yoongi had been your strength, the will to live, and the very reason you woke up in the morning and now he was gone.

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