Snape's nemesis; K.TH

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Being a Slytherin, Jimin had always been in Snape's good books ( if the man even had one that is ) but the same couldn't be said for Taehyung. There was just something about Taehyung's bubbly personality that grinded on Snape's last nerve, the boy being Snape's favourite person to pick on whenever he knew that he didn't know the answer to his questions. You and everyone else could see the hatred he had for Taehyung, even the boy himself.

"Kim, name the toxic substance used to concoct love potions." Snape's snapped, wrapping his oversized robes even tighter around his body before folding his arms in an annoyed fashion. Taehyung froze mid-sentence, eyes wide as he was so shocked that he'd been called on so suddenly. You politely offered to answer for him but Snape instantly shut you down with a stern look that warned you to be quiet, waiting for the hufflepuff to answer his question.

"Uh...Mandragora sir?" Taehyung guessed, knowing that he had most likely got it wrong as he had entirely no clue. Snape sniffed in disapproval, turning his head to the side to glare at the boy once more before flouncing to his desk, bringing out a vial of liquid from underneath it. Everyone in the room simply watched with a bored expression, knowing that if they dared speak then points would be stolen from their house and nobody wanted that.

"Just as I expected, an entirely wrong answer. This is in fact, Kim, Mandrake essence. Especially for us, Professor Hoch in herbology has provided fresh batches. Now, I expect you've all done your research so you may begin." Snape droned on, adding different substances and materials into his rusted cauldron, the bottom of it being heated by a flame that the professor had created before beginning. With slight mumbling, all of the students in the room began to gather their ingredients, including you and Taehyung.

"That's basically what I said, I don't understand! Pass me that vial please Y/n, oh, and the olibanum if you can." Taehyung sighed as he lit the cauldron and began throwing things in carelessly, not really paying attention to what was happening inside of the brass object. You passed him the things and offered a sympathetic smile, choosing not  to comment as Snape was close by and you were known for being quite timid.

"If there's anything you would like to say Kim you can wait behind after class and tell me then. Or would you prefer to tell me now and embarrass yourself?" Snape quipped, seeming to have heard what the boy had said even though he was quite a bit away. Taehyung didn't even react, pretending not to hear the professor as he took the cork out of the vial of mandrake essence and tipped the contents into it, retrieving a gasp of shock and horror from you.

Before he could ask what was wrong, the contents of the cauldron before Taehyung seemed to all react together, creating a blast even mightier than the ones that Finnigan had created many years before their arrival at the school. A thick cloud of smoke erupted from the cauldron, leaving everyone gasping for air and choking but not to the point in which they couldn't breath. Once the cloud disappeared, it left behind a soot covered Taehyung, his hair blown backwards and his eyes and mouth screwed tightly shut.

It didn't take long for the entire class to burst out laughing, their coughing and gasping for air long forgotten. You, fully sympathetic for Taehyung, attempted to wipe some of the black soot from
his face with a bit of tissue but it didn't work, seeming to get worse the more you touched it. Pulling away from your attempts to help him, Taehyung wiped his face on his sleeve and looked at Snape who seemed to smirking in satisfaction.

"This is what happens when you don't listen to what I say Kim Taehyung. My words were, I believe, don't add all of the vial at once as it's an incredibly reactive substance. Even if you hadn't have heard me, somewhere in your research you should've come across it." Snape snickered and with a flick of his wand, it was like the explosion never happened except for the state of Taehyung's face. The cauldron was no longer smoking, not even holding the contents of what Taehyung had put into it.

"That'll be 10 points from hufflepuff due to the damage made to my classroom and another 10 for obviously not writing your own notes. Are you going to tell me who you copied off or do I have to tip Veritaserum down your throat, hm?" Snape sighed, looking Taehyung up and down distastefully, one eyebrow still raised as if he were mocking the boy. Taehyung didn't answer, simply stood there with his head turned towards the ground. You wanted desperately to tell Snape that it was you who wrote Taehyung's notes for him but knew that Snape couldn't force Taehyung to do anything.

After a while of silence, Snape nodded and dismissed the class with a wave of his hand, very aware of the way Taehyung still hadn't moved since the incident. Softly, you pulled him by the arm to get him to move, almost guiding him outside of the murky dungeons in which Snape had his classes. Taehyung didn't speak, not even when you wiped the dirt from his face with a cold flannel.

"Why does he hate me so much?" Was the first thing he said as you both walked to the hufflepuff common room after visiting the herbology class before bed. You shrugged softly, not really understanding why yourself but that didn't seem to help Taehyung as he sighed in hopelessness.

"Not everyone will like you Taehyung, that's just life really." You said whilst skipping down the hall, hoping that Taehyung would join you as he did whenever he was in a playful mood. As if it suddenly hit him that your words were true, a large, bright smile covered Taehyung's face and he laughed lightly, jokingly skipping along with you until you reached the common room. Who cared about what Snape thought anyway? Definitely not Taehyung.

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