Magic is in the air; K.SJ

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"A love potion? Are you sure about this Yoongi? What if it doesn't work and Jin just continues to look straight through me as if I don't even exist!" You asked unsurely, eyeing the pink sparkly liquid wearily.

It had taken weeks of preparing this particularly strong and powerful potion as the ingredients that were required to brew it were quite rare but thanks to Yoongi connections in the wizarding world, he was able to get everything he needed by cashing in some favours.

Having a crush on Kim Seokjin was one of those bitter sweet feelings. He was such a kind and gentle person which was what drew you to him in the first place but this also meant that a lot of other girls also had feelings for him, drawn to him like moths to a flame. No matter how hard you tried you just never seemed to be able to get into Jin's  focus and maintain a proper conversation with him. This is why you brought Yoongi in, to try and help you win his heart and keep it for yourself.

By slipping a love potion into his goblet before breakfast.

Yoongi was very well known for being an excellent potion brewer, his quick but steady fingers able to make liquid death and bottle happiness as if it were water. Many people came to Yoongi on a daily basis with requests for potions but seeing as you were his best friend he pushed all the other people to the side so that he could mainly focus on yours.

The main reason he was helping you though was because he was sick of hearing you cry over Jin and mope around over him in your common room.

"Of course i'm sure about it, this plan is fool proof! Just one drop of this and Kim Seokjin will be in love with you faster than you can say namtiddies." Yoongi exclaimed before handing you the glass vile and putting a cork in it, eyes sparkling as the liquid reflected into his pupils.

A nervous gulp came from your throat but you decided to trust Yoongi and slip some of the concoction into Jin's daily glass of pumpkin juice at breakfast.

The plan itself was going to be easy but you couldn't help but feel guilty about having to use a potion on the man you loved just to get him to return your feelings.

The very next day you woke up at the crack of dawn along with the singing swallows, long before the whomping willow began to sway its branches or even before Peeves could play his first trick on old Finch. The other girls in your dormitory were all still asleep, one particularly loud girl called Penny was snoring so badly that her bed shook with each snore that came from her but you didn't let this distract you.

Quickly, you pulled on your robes and dashed down to the main hall, long before anyone else did. You'd observed Jin's pattern for a long time by wistfully staring at him but you'd realised quite some time ago that he always sat in the same chair, right in front of the pancakes.

To your surprise, there was already a couple of students dotted around the 4 tables but you ignored them. Luckily for you, Jin was actually in the same house as you: Gryffindor.

Steadily, you brought the vile of love potion out of your pocket and popped the cork off, emptying its contents into the goblet and filling it with pumpkin juice. You could only hope that Jin wouldn't be able to taste anything different about the liquid but Yoongi had reassured you that he wouldn't be able to notice.

Not long after that, Jin came stalking into the hall, a frown covering his usually happy and peaceful demeanour.

You watched as Jin placed himself in his usual seat heavily, his hair bouncing softly but still his eyes were cold and uncaring. This wasn't the Jin you had fallen for, not by a long shot. In one large gulp, Jin empties the contents of the goblet you had put the love potion in and swallowed the liquid in just one go. Anxiety was now spreading across your body as Jin's expression completely dropped, a lost look overtaking the angered one he was wearing prior to that very moment.

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