The Scandal; K.NJ

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"Kim Y/n, have you seen the rumours on your husband, Kim Namjoon? What are your thoughts on his supposed mistress?" Yet another reporter screamed in your face as soon as you left your apartment, causing you to roll his eyes at how horrible he was at being professional. It seemed as if thousands of reporters and news stations were surrounding your house, all asking the same questions and blurring into one distorted voice. This would've shocked you if you weren't used to it all ready, not giving any of them a second glance as you pushed through them and climbed into the car that was waiting for you.

It was hard to believe that someone as clever as Namjoon would be stupid enough to get caught spending time with other women, especially when he knew that he was constantly being followed by news stations. Being an idol wasn't the most discreet career. The women Namjoon hung around were always the same, young wannabes that were searching for even the smallest doorway into fame. You couldn't understand that though, no matter how good the money was or how nice it felt to not have to worry about things like bills. Why would anyone want to be constantly plagued and watched by millions of strangers?

"Your husband has requested that you meet him in his office ma'am, says it's important. What would you like me to tell him?" Your chauffeur asked politely, his strong british accent breaking you out of the little daze you'd previously put yourself into. Clearing your throat before thinking about your next decisions, you weighed both of your options out and measured the pros and cons of each one of them. Meet Namjoon and allow him to grovel pathetically, swearing that he was innocent when you knew different or just leave him without even so much as an explanation. For your own entertainment, you decided to go with the first option.

"Tell my sorry excuse of a husband that i'm on my way. Also, tell him that if I even get a whiff of one of his...hobbies, then i'll make sure I drain him for every penny he has." You declared sophisticatedly. You weren't going to cry and allow Namjoon to play you for a fool, like he had ever since he met you. This wasn't the first time he'd broken your heart and it certainly wouldn't be the last either. A small, muffled scoff came from the front seat and you couldn't help but giggle along with him, loving the effect you were going to have on Namjoon's life. This time you were going to be the one in control of the situation.

"Excellent choice ma'am, he says that everything is ready for your arrival and that he's eager to meet with you. What happened to gentlemen these days?" He said more to himself than you, swiftly pulling up outside of Namjoon's building, tutting in disapproval of him. You quickly thanked him before climbing out of the car and looked up at the building towering over you, knowing this was going to be the last time you'd ever enter it.

"Ma'am you can't go up there, you need an-" A receptionist attempted to stop you as you stalked over to the elevator, shutting her mouth hastily after you glared coldly at her. She was probably new, you thought, completely unaware that you held more power there than her boss ever would. Eventually the elevator doors were opened and a stream of people left the small space, leaving it completely empty for you to mentally prepare yourself. Yes, you were completely ready to confront Namjoon but this was still the man you'd been in love with since high school, the sweet guy who had been a completely gentleman. You'd have done anything to have him back but it wasn't possible anymore.

"My beautiful wife, I'm so sorry about these scandalous rumours that are going around right now, none of them are true I swear. I hope the reporters didn't give you much trouble on your way in?" Namjoon simpered as soon as you entered his office by slamming the door open, sidling up to your side and smiling nervously at you. Not even a hint of emotion spread across your face and that scared Namjoon, knowing that he didn't have you wrapped around his little finger anymore. Deep down Namjoon knew that you weren't going to accept his excuses anymore but he still needed to try, truly regretting his actions now, more than he ever had before actually.

"I don't want to hear your petty excuses anymore Namjoon, it's honesty pathetic, how you attempt to lie straight to my face when I already know everything you've done. All I've ever asked is that you're honest with me, nothing else at all! Don't you realise how embarrassing it is for me to have to answer my family questioning why they keep seeing pictures of you and other women while i'm at home, completely alone! You never loved me and I was stupid to ever believe that you would. You did it Namjoon, you completely pulled the wool over my eyes but not anymore, not again. This is the end and there's nothing you can do but give me what I want to know. So go on, explain yourself." You snapped, eyeing him angrily as he cowered under your hateful expression. The sight of such a naturally-dominant man shivering before you made you feel in control, not allowing the situation to go any other way than the way you wanted it to go.

"I...I don't even know where to begin. These girls begged me to make them famous and I mean, begged me to, Y/n. I felt sorry for them, attempting to grovel their way up to fame so I decided to give them a bit of a head start by being in public with them, not thinking of the consequences at all. Soon enough though, more and more girls began to come to me, more than I could handle and I got overwhelmed and stressed. Yes, I cheated on you but it was never more than making out and it was completely one sided, there were no feelings in it for me. Please Y/n, don't leave me, I need you in my life more than ever right now." Namjoon begged, getting down on his knees for you whilst tugging softly at the hem of your skirt, large eyes blinking up at you softly.

It hurt, a lot. Hearing it from other people had been heartbreaking for you but now hearing it out of Namjoon's mouth, the man who'd sworn to love you and keep faithful to you for the rest of his life, it completely tore you down and stripped you of any confidence you'd had. Were you not enough for him? Did those girls have something that you didn't? These were questions you couldn't help but ask yourself but it didn't matter anymore, your relationship with Namjoon was well and truly over with. The remorse on his face was genuine and you knew that but he'd hurt you way too many times for you to just move on as if nothing ever happened.

"I-I guess this is it then. Goodbye Namjoon, you deserve whatever comes your way when i'm gone. You're a pathetic excuse of a man." You spat coldly before turning away from Namjoon and walking out of his office, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks but you refused to let people know that you were hurt. That's what he'd done to you, stripped you of the right to show how you really felt in fear of being vulnerable. Once you'd walked out of that building you took a deep breath and allowed yourself to settle, promising yourself that you'd never let another man take advantage of your kindness ever again.

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