Rumours; J.HS

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Your cheeks were bright red with anger as you stomped over to his table, hate sleeping through your veins as your eyes focused on your targets. Never in your life had you felt more disgusted and disrespected, these rumours making you feel exposed and vulnerable for some reason.

They all went quiet as you dragged a chair and sat with them, glaring evilly at each one of the people that occupied the table. They all knew why you were sat with them but none of them spoke, not wanting to snitch on Hoseok who had spreader the rumour in the first place after you refused to go on a date with him.

Hoseok felt guilty as soon as he had done it but his pride had been so hurt when you rejected him. The normal gentleman had told everyone that you had slept with all of the football team, multiple times actually. It was the first time he had done such a thing but he knew he'd never do it again.

"I advise that y'all speak up and tell me who has been saying this disgusting stuff right now." You snarled angrily, scaring them all to death as they flinched from the tone of your voice. No one spoke a syllable throughout the whole canteen, shocked from your outburst and curious about what was happening.

Hoseok sat with his head held high, wanting his friends to think he was cool but deep down he felt terrible for ruining your reputation. Never had he imagined that his small rumour would turn into a huge deal as most of the school were talking about it and judging you.

"it was Hoseok!" One of his friends timidly squeaked once you had laid your angry glare on him. Your mouth fell open at his audacity to say things about you for no reason, regretting being so nice to him when he requested that you go on a date with him.

"well Hoseok, karma is a bitch." You hissed meanly before walking away from the table, not wanting to look at his face any longer than you already had.

Hoseok tried to laugh it off as his friends began to mock him but a weight of anxiety rested on his stomach as he tried to imagine what type of things you were going to do to get back at him. None of his ideas seemed good to him, not one.

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