Anorexia; P.JM

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Jimin watched as you sat in the chair in the corner of the room, your hair covering your face as you stared at the floor. This had been the norm since a few weeks ago since he had you checked into a mental health institution after finding out about...your thoughts.

One day when he'd gotten off work early to surprise you he had overheard you talking to yourself in the mirror. The words that spilled from your lips had been those of pure hatred, your eyes ripping your body apart as you tugged and pulled at the skin surrounding your stomach.

"I'm doing this for you love, I just want what's best for you. I love you, it kills me to see you this way." He had said before they dragged you away to your room, you kicking and screaming. There was no point in trying to hide that you were mentally ill as everyone already knew.

Jimin sighed and stood up from where he had been sitting on the end of your bed, walking over to you so that he was crouched down in front of you. His large hands hesitated to touch your skin as any little thing could set you off.

"You're all trying to sabotage me. You all want me to be fat. I could be perfect, you're all holding me back." You mumbled, the first words you had spoken since you'd arrived. Although Jimin was relieved, the words you spoke worried him and he frowned before cupping your chin without thinking.

You suddenly screamed as if you'd been scalded by boiling water, your body doing anything it could to get away from Jimin's touch. This only made Jimin touch you more as he attempted to calm you down but your screams attracted nurses who came to sedate you.

"I love you Y/n, I always will." Jimin sobbed as your body relaxed, your weak cries echoing through the room as he was politely asked to leave while you slept. He had to oblige but didn't want to, not wanting to abandon you when you needed him the most.

A Month Later
The doctors had been impressed with your progress in such a short amount of time. You had began to accept small amounts of food as your body had been beginning to shut down and this was a big step in your recovery.

Jimin has been ecstatic once he'd found out, immediately coming to visit once the news had been delivered to him. There was finally hope that you'd return to the Y/n he'd fell in love with.

"How are you love? Feeling any better?" He asked softly once he entered, placing the flowers on your bedside table. You slowly looked up at him, your cheeks having gained their rosy colour and your eyes sparkling as they used to. Jimin couldn't help but let out the breath he felt as if had been clogged up in his throat for months.

"I-I think i'm good. I'm not completely recovered or healed but i'm beginning to realise that my...condition isn't healthy. Thank you for standing by me Jimin. I needed you and you were there for me. I love you." You said softly, avoiding his gaze while blushing. It had been a long time since you'd ever spoken to Jimin like this and it made his heart swell

"Well, I intend to marry you one day so I need to fulfil my promises if I want that to happen." He said cheerfully while moving to sit on the bed beside you, making sure not to touch you in case you were uncomfortable. You appreciated this greatly and laid your head on his shoulder, having decided that you needed it more than ever. For the rest of the visit, the two of you talked about all the catching up on dates and movie nights that you had to do once you were recovered.

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