When they have a fight; YOONKOOK

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"It's all your fault Jungkook! How could you do this to me?" Yoongi screamed at Jungkook as he tried to calm the drunk man down, wrapping his arms around his neck and whispering calming words into his neck. The other members were in the room next to them along with you, not wanting to interfere unless things turned physical.

"I didn't do anything Yoongi, you're just drunk it's ok, it's ok." Jungkook whispered into Yoongi's ear while rubbing the nape of his neck and kissing his cheek. Yoongi couldn't think straight as the alcohol coursed through his veins and made everything delay, including his movements.

"N-No, I saw the way you looked at Taehyung at the club! You were basically undressing him with your eyes and I know that look well." Yoongi spat with nothing but venom lacing his words, wanting to hurt the younger emotionally because he was hurting too. Jungkook winced as if the older had punched him but didn't react, knowing that it was the alcohol talking otherwise Yoongi wouldn't be saying such things.

"You're mistaken, my eyes are only ever on you and I can't help it. All I ever think about is you Min Yoongi, I love you." Jungkook replied, desperately trying to keep his tears at bay. Yoongi pulled Jungkook's head out of the crook of his neck and searched his face as if he was trying to figure out if he was being sincere or not.

"No! Stop lying Jungkook you don't love me, stop it!" Yoongi yelled before pushing Jungkook away from him, ending up with Jungkook on the floor with a pain stricken expression spread across his face. Panic flushed through yours and the members bodies as you heard the impact of Jungkook's body hitting the floor.

"I can't sit here and listen to this anymore!" You exclaimed before rushing into Jungkook and Yoongi's room, gasping when you saw Jungkook on the floor holding his back in pain. Yoongi just glared at you as you rushed over to him, not wanting you to touch Jungkook. Jungkook was his.

"Don't interfere Y/n, he's mine and don't ever think any different. You can't have him!" Yoongi said as he took yet another drink of the vodka he had bought on the way home. Ignoring Yoongi's words completely, you helped Jungkook up and rubbed his back in attempt to make him feel better.

Jungkook would've never thought that Yoongi would've gone as far as to have gotten physical with him, pushing him away as if he were nothing. Jungkook didn't want to think that this was the end of their relationship as he loved Yoongi and didn't want to live without him but he had to think of his wellbeing.

"Namjoon, you go sit with Yoongi and make sure he doesn't hurt himself while I take care of Jungkook." You said to Namjoon before helping Jungkook into your room so that you could assess his injuries. Tears were still dripping down his cheeks and landing on his shirt, accompanied by sniffling and sad sobs.

"He loves you Jungkook, you know how he gets when he drinks. You both just need to talk it out in the morning when Yoongi is more...rational." You said while offering a comforting smile. After cleaning the small cut on his lip and cheek, you said goodnight and climbed into bed while he got in Namjoon's bed. All through the night you could hear his sad cries as he relived what had happened over and over again.


They both sat in silence, alone with no company but each other. It had never been so awkward nor quiet between them but the events of the night before had left them both speechless, not knowing what to say to each other. You and the members had gone out to find some food so that the pair could talk alone, even thought there wasn't any talking being done.

"I didn't...undress Tae with my eyes or whatever. I was telling the truth when I said that I can't keep my eyes off of you." Jungkook started, deciding that they couldn't sit in the unbearable silence anymore. The older looked over at him, nothing but regret and sadness filling his dark eyes that were now graced with slightly dark eye bags due to lack of sleep.

"I knew that, I was just paranoid. You don't understand how scared I am of loosing you to someone else because I know that you deserve better." Yoongi sighed while raking his hand through his hair and pulling at the roots tightly, hating himself for what he did to his boyfriend the night before. If he could've gone back in time and not gotten drunk, Yoongi definitely would've.

"And I don't think that you understand that I don't want better, you're everything I ever wanted. Why don't you see that? I do everything I can to show you that I only want you but you just throw it back in my face and push me away. Literally." Jungkook shot back, hurt that Yoongi thought that he was too good for him when he really wasn't.

Jungkook and Yoongi had been dating since high school, the first time they met. The pair had instantly clicked and were best friends for about 5 months until Yoongi finally had the courage to make Jungkook his. There was no doubt that they loved each other but Yoongi had always had low confidence and low self esteem, always doubting his self worth when Jungkook loved everything about him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, you know that right? I just couldn't think straight and it was like my arms had a life of their own. I love you more than i'll ever love myself and i'm okay with that, as long as I have you by my side. I'm sorry, so so sorry that I harmed you and I will regret it for the rest of my life. Just...please, please don't leave me Jungkook." Yoongi begged the younger, moving so that he was on his knees in front of him.

Yoongi laid his head on Jungkook's lap and cried, clinging to him as if it were the last time that he was going to be near him. The older didn't want to lose the younger as he was all he'd ever had and he'd grown so attached, not able to function properly without him. Jungkook of course felt the same but needed closure that the events of the night before would never be repeated.

"I won't leave you Yoongi, I love you too much to do that. But what happened last night can never happen again, okay?" Jungkook inquired, lifting Yoongi's face into his palms so that they were making eye contact. The younger had never seen his hyung so upset and in a non evil way it made him happy as it showed just how much he cared for Jungkook.

"I promise you, I swear on anything I have Jungkook i'll never lay a hand on you in a harmful way ever again. God I love you." Yoongi rambled before bringing Jungkook's face down to his and connecting their lips, smiling through the kiss as he finally felt complete again.

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