Leaving you and your baby; K.TH

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"This is a lot to take in I know Ma'am, would you like me to call anybody for you? It's not really stable for you to go through this all alone, especially as it's your first time. Finding out that you're pregnant can be a little shocking, wouldn't be the first time I've had a lady faint in shock!" The kind nurse chuckled softly, handing you the result paper from the tests you'd undergone only a week earlier. Who knew that a suspected stomach bug could lead to finding out about a pregancy? Definitely not you, that was for sure.

"N-No I'll be fine, i'm sure, thank you for offering though. How do I go on from here? Is there anything I should know or?" You asked hesitantly, hands shaking in nervousness as you tried to stall the nurse so that you wouldn't have to go home, knowing that Taehyung would be waiting for you and wanting answers. The option of lying to him was there of course but you couldn't do that to him, he deserved to know that he was going to be a father. Somehow, deep down inside your heart, you knew that Taehyung was going to be far from pleased by the news of the child. The possibility of Taehyung leaving you was highly likely, just a slight nudge away from certain.

"You should be fine dear, off you pop! The father of the child must be waiting eagerly for the news!" The nurse exclaimed as she shooed you out of the room and welcomed in her next patient, her round tummy not being the thing that drew your attention to her, more like the man that stood so protectively by her side, beaming down at her like she held the entire earth in her hands. You could only wish for Taehyung to look at you like that, his endless shifts at the office making the only expression he was able to give you, that of boredom and tiredness. Thanking the nurse as you went, you clutched the multiple pamphlets she'd given you as tight as you could, trying to stop yourself from bursting into tears.

The car drive home was eerily silent, the only noise being that of your indicator as you made the odd turn here and there. You dreaded returning home to Taehyung and his temper with news of the child, already knowing that it would not go well. You wouldn't have even been shocked if he kicked you out on the curb with all of your belongings without any kind of financial support, nor a second glance. As you finally pulled up outside of yours and Taehyung's shared home, you had to take 5 minutes to collect your thoughts and calm your nerves, knowing that a stutter would not help your situation.

"You've been hours, what the hell have they been doing to you in there? Did you at least get your results back?" Taehyung called from the kitchen where he was sat at the table with a mug of coffee and a newspaper in his hand, not even looking up at you as you stood in the doorway, not wanting to step closer so that he wouldn't notice how nervous you were. Shaking in fear, you shuffled your weight from foot to foot with your hands behind your back, concealing the test results and leaflets from his hawk-like eyes. Once he noticed that you weren't going to answer him. Taehyung glances up at you from over the top of his paper and raised an eyebrow at you, gesturing for you to answer his question.

"W-Well I'm not dying, that's a plus." You attempted to joke, not even earning a slight chuckle from Taehyung who was now squinting at you, now noticing the way you bit your lip which was something you only did when you were hiding something. As to what you were hiding he didn't know but he sure as hell was going to get to the bottom of it. Things had been weird the past week ever since you'd first gone to see the doctor about your sudden spells of sickness, the symptoms only seeming to become more regular and even worse, your stomach even becoming a little more swollen, just the tiniest bit but enough to notice.

"I-I...I don't know how to tell you this, you're going to hate me," You began, slowly starting to panic whilst your hands fumbled with the hem of your dress as to distract you, "I'm pregnant Taehyung, and it's your child. I know that you didn't want a child and you probably aren't thrilled but we can make this work i'm sure of it! It shouldn't be too difficult, we have each other!" You said enthusiastically, not missing the way Taehyung temporarily lost his grip on his paper and lost his breath before regaining his composure and shaking his head at you, placing the paper down on the table and standing up. The look he sent you sent your heart rocketing to the ground.

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