Enough is enough; J.HS

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"I'll be a better man to you baby I swear on my life I will, just please don't leave me! I love you!" Hoseok cried hysterically as you packed all of your belongings into a single suitcase, refusing to allow yourself to feel guilty for the endless amount tears that were running down his cheeks.

This wasn't the first time this had happened, Hoseok breaking down into tears every time you tried to leave him and eventually guilt tripping you into staying with him but you swore it would be the last. Each time you saw him that way, you knew that he was only doing it because you were the one constant in his life.

With Hoseok's career and family life, he was constantly moving around the country, having to leave behind the life he made for himself in one city just because his job as a choreographer made him relocate.

Once Hoseok had explained to you the consequences of his job after a couple weeks of you two dating, you'd immediately jumped on board without a second thought, not being able to bear the thought of Hoseok having to make a brand new life for himself, alone all over again.

Quite quickly you'd become the only person he could truly rely on and he depended on you greatly, even if he failed to show it more than once.

You had caught actually Hoseok cheating with the same woman as always for the second time since you'd moved to Seoul as his head always seemed to be turned by her. There was no point in denying that you knew she was prettier than you for Hoseok had made you believe that by sleeping with her multiple times behind your back. The last time it had happened, coincidentally, you had given Hoseok the benefit of the doubt seeing as he was drunk and could barely even walk in a straight line but it was clear that he had been stone cold sober this time.

It escaped you as to how he could do such things, lying and choosing other women when he had you at home, and still be able to act like he loved you more than anything else in the world.

"No, you made your choice Hoseok when you slept with that...girl! I must not mean anything to you, of course I don't, it's always been about you! I can't believe I let you pull the wool over my eyes the first time but now you're just mocking me! I've given up everything for you, moving around the country like some damn tag along, a lap dog, whilst you go around and give yourself to any woman that will take you!" You spat at him, not caring about hurting his feelings anymore as you zipped the case shut, pulling it along with you to the door in which Hoseok was standing in front of, an attempt to stop you from leaving.

If you weren't used to seeing the exact same distraught look on his face every time you tried to leave then you would've caved in and put your things away but you'd grown bored of the same old events.

The fame and money unfortunately had changed Hoseok in ways that couldn't be reversed, the loving calm person that he once was before he debuted was long gone, not a trace of him left behind in his wake. That very man you'd fallen in love with was replaced with a manipulative liar, one that used you and only wanted you when it suited him and you'd had enough of everything.

There is only so much that one person can take before they reach their limit, your limit having been passed an extremely long time ago.

"No, no, no I choose you, I choose you Y/n I mean it! If these times were on a loop then every time I would choose you, even over myself if it came to that! I love you and I always will, you're everything to me. Just put your things back and we will be okay, talk to me and we can work this out!" He cried whilst you pulled him out of the way of the door, trying to catch your hand and stop you before you made the decision that would change everything for good. Hoseok desperately needed you to stay for you made him feel grounded, anchored to the world and gave him a soul purpose.

"Well guess what Hoseok, I don't choose you and I've been stupid to have chosen you time and time again when you've done nothing but hurt me! I am sick to death of what you've become, I don't like who you are. You aren't the man I fell in love with, I want him back, what happened to him, huh?" You screamed whilst tears threatened to spill down your cheeks, turning around so quickly and violently that Hoseok almost knocked you over as you'd stopped fighting him.

The both of your deep staggering breaths echoed through the house as tears began to gather in the both of your eyes, Hoseok's spilling even more rapidly than they had before. It wasn't nice to see the man you'd once loved in pain but you couldn't feel sympathy for him.

He's brought it on himself.

"I can be him again Y/n, he's still a part of me I promise you. Just one more chance is all I need to treat you how you should be treated, like royalty. I swear on my life and everything I love Y/n." Hoseok sobbed loudly, fat tears rolling down his rosy cheeks and his cheeks turning slightly blotchy as they always did when he cried.

Indeed he had cheated on you but that didn't make the separation any easier on his heart, tearing itself apart and punishing him for ruining the only good thing he had going for him.

"I'll give up the fame for you Y/n, Id rather be poor and humble with you by my side than have all the money in the world and be alone. Just say the word and I will cancel my contract with bighit immediately just so I can keep you by my side because without you I am nothing. Nothing!" He yelled, the veins on his neck beginning noticeably more prominent as he spoke, his heart racing and beating so hard that he could hear it.

You sighed in irritation and disappointment before closing your eyes, extremely hurt that he was still mentioning his career at a time like this. It didn't matter what he was offering, the relationship was already over. It was over and you knew it, Hoseok too. He was just denying the fact that he was going to have to learn how to live without you in his life, not being able to cope with the idea of being alone.

"No more chances, It's too late for them now. Goodbye Jung Hoseok." You whispered sternly before wrenching the door open and stepping out into the rain whilst Hoseok was too distracted to stop you, ignoring the desperate cries of your now ex boyfriend as you got into your car and drove away in the night.

Watching as your car became smaller and smaller in the distance, Hoseok ran his hands through his hair and panicked, not knowing what he was going to do. There was no way he could live comfortably without you but that was going to be something that he just had to deal with.

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