Tell Me Why I'm Waiting; J.JK {2}

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"What are you doing here?" A voice suddenly asked, making you jump and scramble to your feet while wiping your tears away. Your entire face fell when you noticed who was stood in front of you in all his glory, looking concerned with a tint of confusion.

Jeon Jungkook

"It's got nothing to do with you, go away." You snapped harshly, even though this action made your heart pull uncomfortably. Jungkook, being the compassionate person that he was, only walked closer to you and sat next to you so that he could admire the sunset.

"Are you deaf? I don't want you here so leave." You now whispered, finding it harder and harder to put on a confident front with the guy you love so close to you. The thing that you had dreamt of ever since you met him had somewhat come true, even if it wasn't how you imagined

"Everyone needs a little company when they're feeling down. I was actually hoping that somebody would be here, I need advice." Jungkook said calmly, eyes trained on the sunset that was now looming over us and leaking oranges, pinks and purpled into the usually blue sky. A small frown settled on your face at this, what could Jeon Jungkook possible need help with?

"I broke up with my girlfriend today because I can't get someone else off of my mind. She's constantly everything that I think about and it wasn't fair to drag the relationship out if my heart wasn't in it. The thing is, I don't even understand why I have a crush on this girl. I mean, she's beautiful and her smile makes butterflies erupt in my stomach but i've never actually had a genuine conversation with her because i'm a coward." Jungkook confesses while rubbing his hands together before looking over at you and giving you a small smile.

Frozen. That was the only word to describe you in that moment of time. A small seedling of hope began to blossom in your heart for no reason and before you knew it, a bright blush began to spread on your cheeks. Slowly, Jungkook turned so that he was facing you and moved close enough so that he could cup your cheeks in his palm.

"I'm sorry for being a coward Y/n. I couldn't find the courage to approach you and seeing you go down the wrong path breaks my heart." Jungkook whispered, slowly leaning in so that his lips were skimming yours. But he didn't connect them, almost as if he were waiting for consent.

Impatiently you connected your lips with his, letting all of your emotions and feelings burst out of your heart like a popped balloon. The amount of times that you had wished for this moment had finally paid off and it was so worth it.

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