When he compares you to his ex; J.HS

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It had been a long day for Hoseok, practice going terribly as none of the other members seemed to come to grips with the new choreography that they had been introduced to for the new comeback. Every time they had seemed to be moving smoothly and doing the correct steps, someone would mess up and then they'd have to start all over again which frustrated and annoyed Hoseok. Nothing seemed to be going right for him which set him in a dark mood, nothing but glares and annoyed scoffs sent to everyone that dared to speak to him.

The other members knew of Hoseok's foul mood and felt incredibly sorry for you as they knew that he often took his moods out on you. Hesitant to let him leave, Namjoon desperately tried to get him to sleep at the dorms but Hoseok refuses, giving an excuse that he wanted to go home and see you, even though they all knew that it was the last thing he wanted do. The boys were able to deal with him when he was cranky but they knew you couldn't, you being a sensitive soul and all.

Slowly, Hoseok pushed open the front door and cursed at the sight before him, wishing he'd listened to Namjoom and stayed at the dorms. Nothing had been cleaned like he'd expected it to be, books and jackets still on the floor in the living room and dishes piled up in the sink. Just the sight of everything that he saw out of place made his blood boil in his veins, even though there wasn't anything really wrong with the place. He was just trying to find problems that he could argue with you about. Trying not to get too angry and anal, Hoseok wipes his hand over his face and sighed heavily, hands slightly shaking.

"Hoseok? Is that you?" You questioned softly from the living room, having been sat watching your favourite Kdrama with a bowl of popcorn in your hands when you'd heard Hoseok sigh. After placing the bowl down on the floor next to the chair, you headed out into the hallway to see Hoseok looking darkly at you, a look you hated to see as it made it clear that he was furious. It didn't take much for you to guess that Hoseok had had a terrible day and was ready to burst, directing his wrath directly at you.

"Y/n, care to explain why nothing has been done while i've been working hard to put a roof over our heads and food on the table?" Hoseok snapped angrily, raising one of his eyebrows up at you and crossing his hands over his chest like a teacher scolding a misbehaving child. It was as if the mess had only just appeared as you looked around the room, biting your lip in guilt before turning back to face Hoseok who was still looking at you expectantly, waiting for an answer that you really didn't want to
rice. It would only make him angrier and you didn't want it to escalate.

"I'm sorry Hobi, I didn't realise how messy things were. I can-" You began before Hoseok quickly cut you off by throwing his coat onto the rack, knocking it over and creating an immense thud once it hit the floor which scared the life out of you. In fact, he had used that much force that the wood of the rack had cracked in half, splinters of wood spraying everywhere. There was no need for his sudden outburst but you didn't say anything, looking at the ground so that you wouldn't have to look up at him. Just the vibe that he was giving made you feel sick to your stomach.

"I'm sick of this Y/n, Jisoo was never like this! She cleaned, cooked and managed to have a job herself. And what do you do? You sit here and do nothing all day, living off of my hard work and efforts!" Hoseok yelled in your face, his fists clenched in anger as he glared at you. This broke your heart, making it feel as if small needles were poking holes through you all at once, creating a large hole inside of your heart where Hoseok used to reside.

Jisoo has cheated on Hoseok and left him for another man and here he was talking as if she were an angel that could do no wrong whilst it was the complete opposite to that. For months after they'd split, Hoseok had been a mess, his heart torn and ripped to pieces by the woman he loved. You had been there for him at his worst and it felt as if he didn't care about you, still in love with an ex that didn't care about him and treated him terribly. After everything you did to keep him happy, he just threw it all back in your face like an ungrateful spoiled brat.

"Well if you feel that way then why not go back to her? Why be here with me if your precious Jisoo is so much better than me huh? In fact, I'll make it easier for you and leave on my own terms." You scoffed, trying as hard as you could to keep your tears at bay so that he wouldn't see how hard his words had hurt you. Every word he's spoken echoed in your ear and sent you dizzy, breaking down your self confidence until it was non existent. As if it had only just registered in his brain what he'd done, Hoseok's eyes softened and his brows evened out, his hands gently pulling you back to him once you turned to leave.

"No...i'm sorry Y/n, I'm so, so sorry. Don't listen to a word I just said because it's not true. I love you with every single cell in my entire body and if you were to leave then I wouldn't be able to function properly. You're like my oxygen, my water and my food: everything I need in order to survive. Without you i'm nothing, please forgive me!" Hoseok begged sincerely, eyes laced with regret so intense that you couldn't help but soften and stop attempting to leave. You understood that he was under a lot of stress but you also needed him to understand that you weren't there for him to treat badly.

"I can't handle this much longer Hoseok." You sighed, mental exhaustion fighting you until you were completely relying on Hoseok to keep you from falling. It was extremely tiring to argue with the person you love, especially when there wasn't any point to the quarrel. Nodding and agreeing with you, Hoseok wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you into his chest, letting all of the tension release from his body with one deep breath. Just having you next to him calmed his frayed nerves and helped him come down from his rage.

"You're the most important thing to me, Jisoo is and never was anything to me compared to you. I love you so much y/n." He whispered into your ear, hands holding you tightly as of you were going to be stolen from him. You smiled softly and blushed before kissing his cheek softly, everything was going to be okay, you could feel it.

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