Ch. 94: 2 Days and 2 Nights (Part 3)

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~at the glamping site~

"Wah~, it's so pretty here," I said as we entered our quote unquote tent. After we sent our stuff down, we looked around the room. 

"Woah, the facilities are really nice here...This place is quite luxurious," he says.

"Well, it is supposed to be a glamping resort so...," I trailed off. 

"This must have costed a fortune. I'll pay for my half," Kihyun says.

"It's okay really. There was a raffle drawing at the hospital that I was working at for that exchange program and I happened to win the number 1 prize, which was two free vouchers for this glamping place," I chuckled as I shrugged. 

"Seriously," he ask with an astonished look on his face. 

"Seriously," I confirmed before asking after I had realized that the nightmare that he had on the plane did bother him, "Let's  head down to the beach?"


~at the beach~

"Good thing, we packed a pair of sandals or else there would have been sand in our shoes," I chuckled as we walked hand in hand on the beach. 

"Indeed..." he trails off. I waited for him to continue but he doesn't say anything. I tilted my head to the side as I looked at him curiously as I wondered why he fell silent. In the next second, he picks me up and starts rushing to the ocean. 

"Yah!!!! Stop it! We're gonna get wet," I shrieked once my mind had processed the fact that he had picked me up and is running to the water. He simply laughs and runs faster. When he got to the water, he starts to swing me back and forth. "Oh hell no. Son Hyunwoo, if you throw me into the ocean..., I will never forgive you," I said in a serious tone as I had onto him tighter. 

"Really? Would you really," he says in a teasing tone as he titter totters back and forth. 

"Dead serious," I replied.

"...all well, my feet are freezing cold right now. We can sit down and admire the night sky," he laughs before taking us back up the beach and then setting me down. I plopped down on the ground and sighed out of relief that I hadn't got tossed into the freezing water this late at night. Once he sat down next to me, I playfully smacked him on the arm to punish him. 

He yawns before laying down on the beach and then patting the ground next to him. I rolled my eyes at him before laying down. In the next second, I moved closer to him seeking to warm myself up with his body warmth. He then wrapped that arm I had my head on around my shoulders when I had my head resting on his shoulder. 

Hyunwoo later starts to draw circles on my shoulder as we looked up at the night sky. I glanced up to look at him through my eyelashes before returning my gaze back to the sky. The uneasiness from the dream on the plane still remained in my mind. It felt so surreal that I can't completely think that the dream was only but a dream. Could it be a vision of my past life...the future?

"You know what," he asks suddenly thus interrupting my internal monologue. 


"I wish I could freeze this moment right now and live in it forever. Because the feeling of having you here with my arms is the best feeling ever," he confesses. 

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