Ch. 28: Just a bit Sulky

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A/N: A bit late in saying this but happy belated birthday to Jooheony<3 


"Pardon my interruption. Your order is done," a waitress says and places what we ordered on the table.

"No worries and thank you," Kihyun replies to her. 

"No problem. If you two want to order something else or something, please let me know," she says before leaving to help others. 

"Hmm~, they all look so good. I don't know what to try first," Kihyun says as he taps a small gold spoon against his lower lip. I couldn't help but stare at him. The way how puffy his cheeks are. The way his hair is a bit unkempt but still looked flawless. The way he pouts as he couldn't decide what he wanted to eat first. In midst of my admiration, Kihyun boops me on the nose with his index finger before saying, "Yah!"

I blinked owlishly before looking at him. "Sorry, what were you saying," I asked when he started to frown a bit. 

"I was just talking about how it was so cute that they made a bunny imprint with matcha powder. Low key reminds me of Hoseok. I remember one time when there was a petting zoo at  med school. There were bunnies. And, when Hoseok sat down, all of them started to crowd around him like he was one of them. I might have busted a big uwu that day," he rambles on and on with a bright smile on his face. 

I clicked my tongue out of annoyance because he was talking about another man while we are on date. He didn't seem to notice so he continues on to say, "Oh! Do you also remember that I put a smol one on top of his head. He dead ass froze and didn't move until I took it off of him. Hmm~, I think I still have some photos of it somewhere. It was so adorable."

When I did not react or respond, Kihyun tilts his head to the side slightly and looks at me curiously like he wasn't doing anything wrong. "Hyung," he says in a questioning tone.


"Are you mad?"

"No," I scoffed and looked away not wanting to admit that I was sulking and jealous of Hoseok. 

"Cheh, could have fooled me," he says with sass and rolls his eyes at me.

"I am not."

"Then, what's with the long face," he demands and rapidly drums his fingers on the table.



"Ijustdidn'tlikeyoutalkingaboytsomeoneelsewhileweareonadate," I said quickly while blush dusted my cheeks. 

"Aw, hyung~," he coos making me feel embarrassed. 

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