Ch. 77: Date Night (Part 3)

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"Do you want to go watch another movie...since ours got interrupted," Hyunwoo asks as we exited the theater room. 

"Mmm but wouldn't they notice," I asked as I didn't want to get in trouble. 

"It's fine. No one will know," he smiles before taking hold of my hand and walked over with me to another theater room that was playing some foreign romance movie. After taking a seat, we continued to hold hands as we watched the movie. 

When the heroine was being chased by the hero after she smashed his face into his birthday cake, I felt Hyunwoo toying with my fingers. I guess that he isn't really interested in the movie as the Korean subtitles were a little off. I don't understand English well but I did more so than Hyunwoo. I combined what I understood from what was being said with the subtitles to understand what was going on. 

Then, when the hero corners the heroine, he grabs onto her and rubs his face against her. The heroine tries to get away but she ends up making them both fall down onto the couch. Just then, I felt Hyunwoo put his arm around my shoulders after pretending to stretch. I mentally snorted at this as it was kinda cheesy and cliche but it did succeed in making me feel soft and loved. 

I leaned into his hold after putting the armrest back so that it wasn't in between us any more. He tightens his hold and presses a kiss to the top of my head while the hero kisses the heroine after they laughed at how silly they were being. 

I wish that we were in one of those theaters that had couches or seats for couples to sit in so that we could cuddle together better. But, I guess we have to make do with what we got. Next time, I'll make sure we go to one of those theaters. 


~at the end of the movie~

Kihyun had fallen asleep half way into the movie. I didn't have the heart to wake him up or move as me moving potentially would wake him up. I can still hear him inhaling and exhaling at an even pace. The other moviegoers either were leaving or was getting ready too. But, we remained there. 

Absentmindedly, I started to hum a lullaby. When I was nearly finished, Kihyun shifts in my hold and then asks in a sleepy voice, "Why are you vibrating? Are you a phone or something?" I chuckled in response. He leans back and rubs at his eyes with the back of his right hand. The sight before me is so na rak (T/N: Na rak is Thai for cute). His messy pink hair. The subtle pout on his lips. The slightly flushed cheeks. 

I just couldn't resist and kissed him on lips. Kihyun gasps loudly as he had been caught off guard. His cheeks instantly turned red from being flustered and probably being embarrassed of how he had reacted. 

"Naughty," he says in teasing way rather than a reprimanding way as he smacked my chest lightly. 

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