Ch. 27: Fortune

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A/N: Anyone listen to 'Someone's Someone?' A great follow up to 'Who do you love?' Can I just say that they are our someones and vice versa? I hope the drop a MV for this song.


~Amausaan uji Matcha~ (A/N: This is a real place. I recommend this place if you love matcha/black tea desserts)

"Welcome to Amaussaan uji Matcha. Are you eating here or getting to go," a waitress asks when we walked in.

"For here," I replied.

"How many are in your party," she asks.

"Two," I answered.

"Okay~, please take a seat at the small table near the cherry blossom tree and Torii gates. There are menus on the table already. When you are ready to order, please call me or one of other waiters over," she smiles and gestures to the table.

"Thank you," we said before taking a seat.

"Your hair matches the flowers," Hyunwoo says thoughtfully as he looked at the flowers. 

"...oh, really," I said in a questioning tone even though I already knew that fact. I subconsciously twisted a strand of my hair too.

"Mhmm," he affirms before taking a look at the menu. I picked up my menu and took a look too. Everything looked so good. I honestly want to order them all, but I can't possibly eat them all myself. "See anything that you would like to try," he asks.

"Um, I would like to try the matcha cheescake and the black tea ice cream cone. What about you," I asked.

"I think I will get the matcha ice cream cone and a matcha latte," he replies.

"Waitress," I called out as a waitress had just finished serving a different table. I told her what we wanted to order. She jots them down on her notepad before heading to the kitchen. 

"Do you want to try that," Hyunwoo asks and gestures to the fortune telling area of the dessert shop.

"Sure," I said. He walks up to the wooden dresser and takes the wooden container with sticks in them before coming back over. "Do you want to go first?"

"Um, sure," I said and took the container and shook it until a stick came out. It had the number five on it. I had the container back to him. He shakes it until a stick came out. It had the number 14. We went back to the station and took out a slip of paper each from the corresponding drawer. After we went back to the table, we read the slip. 

"Mine says, 'Look no further. What you desire is right in front of you,'" Hyunwoo says while maintaining eye contact with me. 

My cheeks instantly felt hot. "Lies. It doesn't say that," I stammered and snatched the offending slip of paper from him to check it myself. "It really did say that...," I said sheepishly as I handed his fortune back.

"Yep, what does yours say," he asks. I look down at my slip. The one that stood out the most was the one that read, "Don't hesitate and grab onto it or else you might regret it late." I frowned slightly at this as it was a bit of an ill omen. "Does it say something bad?"

"No, I was just thinking about what it really means," I said while laughing lightly.

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