Ch. 11: Untitled

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"Let me take a closer look at your files," I said. He nods. Under his personal info was his medical history. He is a smoker and traveled to many countries as the list of vaccinations he had received points out. On the next few pages were notes from previous doctors and the results for the tests they ran. All of those tests had various results which irritated me a bit as they should be around the same. 

"Hmm, these symptoms seem to fit with hemoptysis, microscopic polyangiitis, and lung cancer," I said. This doesn't look good... I paused briefly wondering how I even came to this conclusion. But, at this point, it kind of seems that anything is possible given the world that I am stuck in.

"What did you say? Say it in Hangul, please," Mr. Jo demands. 

"Those are the illnesses I think you might have. But, I will need to run tests to find out which one it is," I replied.

"Tests! More tests! Can't you just tell me whether I can be cured?"

"Mr. Jo, I cannot give you a definite answer right now as I do not have any evidence to back it up. Hemoptysis and microscopic polyangiitis are curable, but it also depends how far it has affected your body. As for lung cancer, it depends on what stage it is at," I replied.

"Can't you tell from that file?"

"No," I said simply seeing that it is no point to give a detailed explanation.

"Fine then. What tests do I need to take?"

~fast forward the explanation and appointment setting~

I waved goodbye to Mr. Jo after he makes appointments at the nurses' station on this floor. He huffs and nods stiffly before leaving. I suddenly felt drained after this consultation as it brought back so many memories. 

"Hey, Hyung," says a very familiar voice. I looked up to see 'Kihyun' walking over to me with a bright smile that reminded me of my Kihyun. 

"Hey," I answered and tried to bring myself to return his smile, but I just couldn't.

"The gang and I are throwing you a welcome back party slash celebratory party for you after work. You are going to go," he says.

"Isn't that last part supposed to be a question?"

"No. You don't have a choice. You have to go," he laughs.

"But...," I started to say when he cut me off by shushing me.

"This is a dictatorship not a democracy. You have to go. Okay? Meet us at the bar we usually go to," he says. What bar is that? 

He stares at me intently waiting for my confirmation. "Sure," I said as I realized that he wasn't going to take no for an answer or any other response as an answer. I didn't exactly have an excuse in mind either. 

"Okay~. See you later," he says as he smiles victoriously and leaves. 

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