Ch. 98: Jinxed

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~the next morning~

I groaned softly as I felt the sun's rays poke at my eyelids. I open one eye and then immediately closed it as the sun was too bright for me. A few seconds later, I slowly opened my eyes pausing at every millimeter in order to let my eyes adjust to the brightness. When I finally had my eyes opened all the way, I noticed that Kihyun wasn't in the bed with me. Did I do something wrong last night? I furrowed my brows as I recalled last night's activities. There wasn't anything that I did that would make him mad.

I blinked rapidly to get rid of the sleepiness from them before sitting up right. His stuff was still here but the owner wasn't. I quickly got out of the bed and put on my clothes before sped walking to the bathroom. I threw open the door and looked inside but he wasn't there. I walked out of our place and looked around for a familiar pink candy floss haired male. Where could he be?

But, he was nowhere in sight. I ran around the premises looking for him but he wasn't there. Did something bad happen? Did he leave? I exited the front of the resort and  heard a few cars honking. For some reason, I had a feeling that the honking wasn't normal per say. Thus, I went out to the sidewalk alongside the street and saw Kihyun standing in the middle of the road clutching at his head. 

People in the passing cars either just ignored him and went about their way while avoiding him or watched him in a fascinated sort of way from their car window as they moved out of the way to avoid hitting him. A few bystanders were either shouting for him to come back to the sidewalk or were recording the whole thing with their cellphones. 

"Kihyun," I shouted as I tried to think of a way to get to him without getting runover. I started to step into the street but a car honks which made me bring my leg back to the sidewalk. Anxiety and fear floods my body as my heart races with worry. How do I get to him?!

When there were no cars driving by soon, I ran across the street as fast as I could and grabbed Kihyun's wrist. But, he immediately pulls it out of my grasp. "Kihyun, come on. We need to get out of here before something happens," I exclaimed as it most definitely is not safe to stay in the middle of a busy street. 

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