Ch. 89: Past Meets Present

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~during their next video chat the next night~

"Hyung," Kihyun says as he pulls up the blanket a bit higher so that it was covering his nose too.

"Hmm," I said in a questioning tone as I shifted a bit to get more comfortable.

"Do you believe in forever," he asks suddenly. I froze momentarily and thought about how I was with the other Kihyun in the other world. 

"Of course," I nodded. 

"I had this strange dream yesterday night after we talked. I saw us...or at least as I think they were this restaurant in some foreign country proposed to me," he blushes as he stammers the last part of his sentence. I inwardly gasped as he seems to be remembering what happened in the other world that parallels this one. 

"But, the dream is supposed to be happy, right? Yet, I woke up crying. I don't understand why," he pouts as he looks at me for an answer. As soon as my mind comprehended what he had just said, immense sadness flooded my mind and my heart. 

It seems like the life I had before this is not a separate entity and does has something to do with this one. It's almost as if  he is recalling his quote unquote previous life. "Hyung?"

"They were tears of joy, silly. Why would you be crying unhappy tears," I half stammered-half asked. 


"Really...what else did you dream about," I asked hesitantly as I felt like if he remembered everything it might destroy him. 

"Hmm, there were other parts but they are kind of hazy. I don't really remember what else happened in the dream...But, I think that they must have been happy memories judging from the one that I do remember," he chuckles, which causes his eyes to smile too. I found myself smiling subconsciously because of it, but worry soon blooms in my mind.

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