Ch. 44: Waking Up Together

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A/N: Jooheony, get well soon<3


~the next morning~

I yawned as soon as I woke up to only get a mouth full of fur. I spat them out and looked to my right to see that Snow had gotten on the couch with us. She flips onto her stomach and stares at me blankly before licking the tip of my nose. She lets out a smol woof as if to say good morning to me. I smiled and was about to pet her but then I realized that I had my arms around Kihyun who was sleeping on top of me.

Snow whines and then jumps off the couch. She probably wants food or something. I shifted Kihyun over so that he was laying the couch on his side and not on top of me. I groaned lightly as my body felt stiff from being pinned down by a hundred something pound hamster. I turn onto my side and took in what Kihyun looks like when he was asleep.

His sakura pink hair is in disarray. His lips are in a slight pout. His cheeks are slightly pink. His eyes move ever so slightly behind his eyelids. His breath still evened out thus showing no signs of waking up. I reached up to his face and brushed back a few stray strands before tucking them behind his ear.

The second my finger touched his ear. He shifts in his sleep and mumble something under his breath before stilling again. The more I really look at him the more I realize that he is a carbon copy of my Kihyun. Sometimes, I wonder if it is the right thing to do by loving this Kihyun when he isn't my Kihyun. But, the sign...the flower...

Right before I could go into a downward spiral, Kihyun opens his eyes and blinks slowly. He yawns and lightly smacks his lips together. I somehow found it cute and endearing. He notices me staring at him and quickly hides his face against my arm that was keeping his head from being on the couch.

"Good morning, Ki," I whispered.

"Morning, Hyung," he says while looking at me through the corner of his right eye.

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