Ch. 40: Untitled

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A/N: Merry (early) Christmas/Happy Hanukkah, everyone<3 I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Thank you for 5k views!


"What? It isn't like what I said wasn't true," he shrugs.

"But, you didn't have to announce it to the whole world," I grumbled as I didn't like being teased as it reminded me of when I used to get bullied in public school. 

"But, I only announced it to the people in this room."

"Semantics," I huffed before remembering that someone had paged me. I pulled out my pager and checked the code once more. I quickly slide off the counter and groaned when the pain shot up my leg. 

"Easy. Easy. What's your rush," he asks as he help me stand upright. 

"There is a doctor in my department is calling for me. I need to go," I said and tried to get past him. But, he stops me. "What are you doing? A life could be at stake here," I said exasperatedly. 

"I was just going to get you  a crutch so you can get there without injuring yourself any further," he replies before gesturing the supply room behind the nurses' station.

"Oh," I said simply. He goes to the supply room and returns with a crutch. He hands it to me. I took it from him and put it under my left arm. 

"Do you want me to go with you," he asks.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. I'm sure you have something else to attend too," I replied.


"Hyung, our first priority as doctors should be our patients. I'm not seriously injured. Don't worry about me," I smiled.

"Okay...but let me know if your ankle or elbow feels worst," he says.

I snorted and said, "Hyung, I'm a doctor too. I'm sure I would know what to do if they do."

"I'm being serious, Kihyun ah," he states in a firm tone.

"Okay, Sunbae! I'll be sure to report back if they get worst," I chuckled.

"Good," he says as he cross his arms across his chest.

"Such a worry wort," I said as I shook my head, and then began to make my way to my department. 

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