Ch. 17: Untitled

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"Oh my god! I totally forgot. The pediatrics ward got new therapy puppies. I heard that they are super cute. Come on! Let's go see them," Kihyun shouts suddenly thus snapping me out of the daze that he inadvertently made me fall into. He grabs my right hand and pulled me off the bench. Then, he precedes to drag me toward the pediatrics  ward. All the while, I could not help but focus on the fact that he hasn't let go of my hand and on the fact that  I didn't want him to let go.

The pediatrics ward is on the other building on the second floor. Therefore, it was quite a run there. Soon enough, we got there with in five minutes or so. I wasn't really keeping track. Kihyun skids to a halt when we got to the right room, which made me bump into him. That caused him to pitch forward. Instinctively, I pulled him back, which made him fall back onto me.

"Thanks," Kihyun says shyly after he steps away from me.

"No problem,"  I replied. He opens the door and walks in. I followed suit and saw five little clouds running around and two were on their beds watching the others.

"Come here, puppy," Kihyun says  to the puppy on the beige colored bed and plops down on the ground. The puppy looks at him with a partly excited expression and he/she is wagging his/her tail ever so slightly. Kihyun whistles and beckons him/her over. When the puppy was just about to get up and walk over to Kihyun, three of the five puppies that were running around ran over to him. They yip and bark demanding attention from the cherry blossom haired doctor. "Aw, do you guys want my attention too? Aren't you guys so freaking cute," he coos to them and petted each of them.

I smiled subconsciously and sat down next to him. The puppy that Kihyun gave the most attention to crawled onto his lap. Kihyun scoops him/her into his arms and held him like how a mom would carry her baby. "Hey, Baby. Are you a good....boy, Jin? Who's a good boy," Kihyun says to the puppy and plants a kiss on his wet nose.

Then, the two other puppies ran off to play with the toys in the middle of the room. Two different puppies (not the ones on the beds) made their way over to me. They looked at me curiously and tilted their head to the side as if they were trying to figure me out. When I didn't move, one of them walked away to play with the others. The one remaining came closer, put its front paws on my leg, and looked up at with his/her puppy eyes.

I held my left hand out to the pup with my palm facing up. He/She leans forward and sniffs at my hand. Once he/she deemed me not a danger, he/she licks my hand and rests his/her head on my hand. With my other hand, I checked the nametag on the collar and discovered that the puppy is a girl and her name is Angela.

"Hey there, Angela," I said to her. She woofs softly and wags her tail lightly thus making smol thump sounds. I pet her head which made her ears dip down every time my hand passes over them. When I drop down the hand that was holding her head up, she lets out a small growl and pawed at my leg before walking onto my lap and circling around before laying down. I chuckled softly and began to pet her again repeatedly  in slow U shaped motions.

"Hey! Come back," Kihyun calls out suddenly. I looked over to see Jin running off to the other side of the room. Kihyun pouts when he doesn't heed his call.  He turns his attention over this way and notices Angela on my lap. "How did you get her to stay," he asks and scoots over so close that I could feel his body heat radiate off of him.  When he reaches over to pet Angela, my breath hitches at this close proximity. My heart beats a bit faster. He then turns to face me. His eyes widens when he realizes how close our faces are. We stare into each other's eyes. The air felt a bit nonexistent and the temperature in the room seemed to have become warmer His lips part as if he was going to say something, but he closes them. "I-," he begins to say when the door bangs open thus making us lean away from each other real fast.

"Oh, shit! Sorry, I didn't think I was interrupting something," a nurse stammers and laughs awkwardly before leaving and slamming the door shut.

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