Ch. 87: Bummed Out

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~the following week~

I was in the middle of talking to Yoongi when I hear someone loudly shout, "Yooooooooooonnnnnnnggggiiiiiiiiiiii." We both turned to look in the direction that voice came from and saw a man who looked like the literal personification of the sun with that smile of his despite wearing all black walking over to us fast. 

"Hoseok? I thought you were still on your tour. What are you doing here," Yoongi says in disbelief when the person in question came over and back hugged him. 

"I was but the last stop got postponed due to...I don't know. That's what my manager said. So, I decided to come visit you. But, you weren't at HyunJin and then your boss told me that you were here. And-," Hoseok began to say so fast like he was rapping or something. I couldn't hear the rest of it but it seems like Yoongi did. Yoongi smiles and pats Hoseok's hands as he listens to Hoseok talk. 

Feeling like I was invading on their privacy, I excused myself before going to my office. Once I was there, I found a pile of patient files in my inbox. "Man, today's going to be a long day," I muttered to myself. But, I will take it to distract myself that Hyunwoo was far away at a different hospital in a different city as he got selected for the exchange program.

As I somewhat mindlessly but still professional went through each and every single patient, the sky had long darken and the stars were out. Just as I was about to put my doctor's coat onto the clothing rack that I had in my office, I hear someone familiar say, "Looks like someone is sulking."

"Am not," I shot back when I realized that it was Minhyuk. 

"Are too."

"Am not," I said through partly gritted teeth as I turned to look at him. 

"Oh, yeah? Then, why were you pouting all day? You guys practically see each other every day but you can't stand to be away from each other? It's only been a day," he teases.

"Cheh, you wouldn't understand. You aren't dating anyone," I scoffed. 

"Okay, ow. Jeez, as if I didn't feel single enough already," he says as he rolls his eyes at me. "Anyways, the guys and I were thinking about hanging out tonight. Wanna go," he asks.

"Mmm, I promised Hyunwoo that I would FaceTime him tonight after work," I smiled awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

Minhyuk fake throws up before saying in mock distain, "Ugh, couples." I glared at him to which he merongs me before bidding me goodbye and walking out of my office. "Pabo," I muttered under my breath before gathering my things and going home.  

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