Ch. 88: So Close Yet So Far

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~after work~

~at his apartment~

I hurriedly tried to open my door as it was near the appointed time that Hyunwoo and I agreed on to video chat each other. Just as I thought I had the key in the the hole, I dropped my keys onto the floor. I cursed under my breath before picking it up and finally opening the door.

Once inside, I shut the door behind me and hastily took off my shoes. I grabbed one of the packed lunches that I had in my fridge before going in to my bedroom. I put it on top on my bed along with my phone. I look over at the clock and saw that there was still time to change into some comfortable clothing.

So, I put on a white t shirt and light gray sweatpants and dumped my quote unquote street clothing into the hamper before getting onto my bed. I picked up my phone and placed it against the alarm clock on my nightstand. Then, I grabbed the food, laid down while facing my phone, and put it in front of me. 

I counted down the rest of the minutes until the appointed time. But, the video call doesn't come in exactly then. I pouted as I was beginning to think that he forgot about video calling me or something. Hyunwoo is usually punctual person. A few minutes later, my phone rings. I tapped on the green button on my screen to pick it up. As soon as I brought my hand back to my side, Hyunwoo appears on my screen.

"Hey, Ki. Sorry that I am a bit late. There was a bit more traffic on the way back to the hotel then I had initially anticipated," he says before moving off screen for around a minute or two. 

"It's okay. I understand," I said as I popped off the lid of the packed lunch. 

"Are you eating those prepacked convenience store lunches again," he asks as he picks up his phone and gets onto the hotel bed.


"Liar. I thought I told you not to eat those. It's not healthy. Why didn't you order take out instead," he chastises me through the phone. 

"It is more convenient for people like us that had weird schedules and stuff," I retorted as I took a bite of my BLT sandwich with siracha mayo. 

"...Korea has pretty good delivery services-," he begins to say but I cut him off.

"Okay. Okay. I will order take out instead next time."

"Good...So, how was your day today? Did Minhyuk give you a hard time?"

"No, he didn't. Surprisingly. Today was exhausting. So many new patients in addition to the old ones. I'm pooped," I pouted before scarfing down half of my sandwich. 

"Easy. Easy there. Don't eat so fast."

"There was this one patient that was really funny. Cracked a bunch of jokes. Mainly dad jokes though," I chuckled as I recalled that. 

"I thought you didn't like dad jokes."

"I do....sometimes. Anyway, how was your day? Any better than mine," I asked as I drank some water that I had forgotten on my bed this morning. 

"It was good. Learned some new things. Other than that, nothing really interesting," he says. 

"Well, tell me about it still," I said as I like to hear him talk. For the next ten minutes or so, he went on and on about his day. I only offered a few mhmms and ohs along the way as I ate the rest of my dinner and putting the tray and bottle onto the floor. 

"Are you listening, Ki?"

"Hmm? Yeah, of course," I half lied as I pulled my blanket over myself. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. He chuckles and shakes his head. "I miss you, Hyung," I tell him in a soft tone. 

"Miss you more, Ki," he smiles that smile that I have always known and loved. 

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