Ch. 3: New Life. Same Me. (Part 1)

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A/N: Happy birthday, Bun Bun<3 


Everything seems so real... It doesn't seem like this is just a dream or a figment of my imagination....Also, it seems that that being is the one who sent me here. But, how? And, why? Now that I am here, what am I supposed to do? 

"Sunbae? Hello? Anyone home?"

"Huh,"  I said and turned to face Kihyun. 

"Sunbae nim said you are free to go in a few hours," he says. 

"Oh...," I said. Where am I supposed to go afterwards? Who am I in this world? This Kihyun says that I am his sunbae, so that means he knows me. Dr. Kim also seems to know me too. Fuck. Why is this so complicated?! 

"What? You want to stay in bed longer, so you don't have to work," he teases.

"No...I just was thinking. That's all," I replied. 

"Okay then. Well, I have to get back to work or else Dr. Zhang will give me an earful," he says and turns around.

"Wait," I said without thinking.

"What is it," he asks after he turns back to face me.

"...never mind," I lied. 

~a few hours later and after Dr. Kim gives his okay~

I got off the bed and stretched. Part of my stomach showed as I did so. Right. Hospital clothes.  Where are 'my' clothes? I walked over to the door and opened it. Instantly, the sterile smell hits me in the face. Despite how clean it smelt, it still smells bad. Sounds of people talking and moving fill the air. As I take in my surroundings, I stood still and tried to think of where the locker rooms might be. 

When I was about to go down a corridor, someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around. To my surprise, this person looks just like Hoseok. 

"Hyung! I heard that you are better now," he says in the same exact voice as Hoseok. 

"Oh...yeah. Can you tell me where the locker room is," I asked right of the bat.

"The locker room," he asks and tilts his head to the side as if he thought I was stupid for not remembering where it was. 


"Oh...follow me. I was going there anyways," he says after he narrows his eyes and stares at me for a few seconds. After going down a floor and some turns, we stopped in front of a black door that had a sign on that said "Locker room" in gold letters and in smaller gold letters, it said "Authorized Persons Only."

This Hoseok look alike opens that door and goes in. I followed suit. Inside, there were tall white lockers all over the room and wooden benches in front of each row of lockers. Unfortunately, I didn't know which one was mine. There were only numbers on the locker doors and not names. 

*a locker door being opened*

* shuffling sounds*

* locker door being closed*

"Why are you just standing there, Hyung," the Hoseok look alike asks.

"Huh," I said nervously and turned to face him. He clips something that looks like an ID badge onto his doctor's coat. I looked at it and it reads, "Lee Hoseok, Doctor of Pediatrics." No way... 

"Your locker is the one in the row against that wall. Number 514," he says and points to the row of lockers on the right side of the room.

"Right...," I said and walked over there. Then, I encountered another problem. I didn't know what the password was. My palms started to get a bit sweaty as I was nervous that this Hoseok would notice that something is off about me. 

"Oh my god. Kihyun told me that you would be confused, but I didn't think you would be this confused. It is almost as if you forgot everything," he says and comes over. I laughed awkwardly and dragged a hand through my hair. "Move over. If I remember correctly, the password is 7, 31, 19," he says and then tries to unlock the combination lock. 

*lock popping open*

"Thanks," I said.

"No worries...What are friends for? Anyways, I have to go make my rounds in the pediatrics ward, so I'll see you later or something," he says and leaves without waiting for an answer.

"Okay," I said to no one in particular. 

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