Ch. 23: From Square One

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"Let's date," I said as confidently as possible while blushing madly. Kihyun's previously muted eyes immediately begin brighten and he smiles widely.

"You're not yanking my chain, right," he asks while looking at me with an inquisitive look on his face.

"What? Do you think that I am joking with you," I asked with fake hurt in my voice.


"Kihyun ah, I am being serious," I said firmly as the blush still stains my cheeks.

"Say it again," he whispers.

"Say what," I asked despite knowing what he meant.

"...what you said earlier."

"That I wasn't joking?"

"Hyung, you're being mean. You need to stob," he whines cutely.

I chuckled and leaned in before whispering, "Go out with me, Kihyun ah."  

"Yes!YouknowhowlongIwaitedforthismoment?! Do you-," he begins to say excitedly but cuts himself off. " embarrassing," he groans and hides his face with the book that he was reading. Before I could say anything, he gets up and tries to leave. But, I grab onto his hand and pulled him back, which inadvertently made him fall into my arms all the while letting out a loud yelp.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. It was cute," I smiled at him.

*awkward pause*

"Ca-n y-ou le-t go s-o I c-an st-and up," he stammers.

"Wha-," I began to say when I noticed how 'dangerously' close we were at the moment. Instantly, I let go of his hand and he got off me. He looks away while muttering something under his breath.

"I-," we said at the same time.

"Oh, sorry. You go first," he says while looking at his feet.

"No, you first," I replied.


Then, we locked eyes and started laughing for no apparent reason. When we stopped laughing, I asked after taking two deep breaths, "Could we get dinner sometime? Just you and I?"  

"I would love that," he smiles as he brushes stray strands of cotton candy colored hair behind his right ear.

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