Ch. 16: Warmth

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A/N: Until Whenever is officially not on hiatus anymore. I hope the wait wasn't too long. I really do appreciate your patience<3


~the next work day~

It is break time. I decided to spend it on the outdoor playground. "Get him," a kid shouts in the distance. I look over to see a hoard of kids in hospital gowns chasing a familiar cherry blossom haired male around.  You can tell that Kihyun isn't really running to the best of his ability. Soon enough, they catch him and he 'falls' to the ground. He exclaims that they got him and some other things that I couldn't hear. The kids surround him and tickled him.

In the next second, his laughter along with the children's filled the air.  I smiled subconsciously at this warm scene.

"Hyung," Kihyun shouts and waves at me when the kids disbursed and his warm honey eyes landed on me.

"Hello," I smiled  back as if it was second nature to do so and waved back. He jogs over and plops down onto the bench next to me.

"How come you didn't join us? I thought that you love to hang out with the kids," he pants. I turned to look at him and noticed that his cheeks are a bit flushed. I tried not to think of how cute he looks as the blush made his cheeks look more rounder thus cuter.  Not to mention, the light in his eyes made me feel...happy for no apparent reason.

"Ah...just had a long day," I lied. I only had to make my rounds so far. No new patients.

"Hmm, working at a hospital does that to you," he says with a knowing look and toys with his badge.

"That's for damn sure. But, it is worth see them get better and be the one who helps them get better."

"Ah, yes. There are pros and cons to everything."

I nodded in agreement. Soon enough, we fall into a comfortable silence. We simply just watch the sun rise higher and higher into the air and the children play with each other. Suddenly, I felt something touching my hand. I looked down to see Kihyun's pinky lined up next to mine. Then, I look up at the male to see him tilting his head back letting the sun bathe him in its light and the air coarse around him.  He looks so...warm.

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