Ch. 54: Shits & Giggles (Part 2)

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Once inside my room, Snow came to greet us and began to nip at my ankles. "Stop it, Snow. I'll play with you later," I said as I tried to push her away with my foot without dropping Kihyun. Snow lets out a disgruntled bark before walking back to her bed like the diva she is. 

After a few more steps, I placed Kihyun onto my bed and was about to let go of him when he pulled me down so that I was laying on top of him. "Where you going? Stay," he slurs. 

"Just to get you some water to sober up," I said. 

"Oh...," he sighs before letting me go. Once I got out of his hold, he turns onto his left and rubs his face against my pillow and made sloppy grabs at my blanket. I chuckled at this and pulled the blanket closer to his hands. He grabs onto it and hugs it tight before throwing his right leg over the blanket. 

I then turn around and went to get a glass of water. By the time I came back to the room, Kihyun somehow managed to wrap himself with the blanket. I set the glass onto my nightstand and went into my closet to change into more comfortable clothing. I went back to the bed and got in.

 Kihyun seemed to sense my presence and unwrapped himself from the blanket but was still underneath it. He crawls over and props himself up. He stares at me for a solid minute before tapping the tip of my nose with his index finger and then giggling like a fourth grade girl who just received something from her crush. 

"Hyung~," he coos slash sings.


"Hyung~," he repeats as he tilts his head to the side slightly. 


"Hi," he says before smiling in an adorkable way. 

"Hello," I answered. Then, he moves so that his head was on my shoulder. I lifted my right arm out of the way as he was moving over to cuddle next to me. Once he was settled, he places his right hand on top of my stomach and draws circles with his thumb. 


"Yes, Ki?"

"You know...I used to dream of this day where we would be together. Like I would imagine how life would be like if we were and...," he began to say but the rest was unheard by me as he slurred his words too much for me to comprehend what he was trying to say.

At one point, he became silent. I had thought that he fell asleep but I was proven wrong when he started talking again. "Part of me wanted so bad to confess but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. You know? It was so nerve wrecking. I mean like. SO NeRvEwReCking. Hoseok tried to make me confess when you were....were...," he trails off before soft snores emit from his mouth. 

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