Ch. 99: History Repeats Itself

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I brought both of hands up to my head as my head is spinning and a ringing sound keeps piercing through my ears. My chest feels tight as if I am having a heart attack and it is getting hard to breath. I can barely register what Hyunwoo is saying to me but every time he says something, the ringing gets louder and louder. I have to get away from him.

I dropped my arms down and ran away from him without looking out for any cars. Suddenly, I hear a vehicle honking rapidly. I turned and saw a white sports car coming fast. I gasped as I froze in place due to fear of the impending doom. At that moment, the previous ailments that I felt were disappearing as I stared at the truck like a deer in headlights. 

In the next second, I was flying to the side and not away from the truck after being hit by it.  As I crashed onto the road, I heard a loud impact and people screaming. I groaned as my head banged against the asphalt when I fell onto the road. A car that was coming my way hit the brakes before it could run me over. As I struggled to sit up, someone from behind me came over to see if I was okay.

"Holy fucking shit! Are you okay," she asks frantically as she looked at me and tried to determine if I was injured for a minute or two before looking away for some reason. A horrified look appears on her face.

"What? Did something-," I paused before I remembered that someone had pushed me out of the way of the truck. I knew it was him. "Hyunwoo," I screamed as I sat up and looked around for him. He was laying down on the road bleeding and breathing weakly with five or so people surrounding him a few feet from me. Two of them were on the phone while the others were trying to perform first aid or something.

I pushed myself to get off the ground and ran over to him. I pushed past the people around him away as I gathered that they didn't have any medical training. I wiped at my eyes as my vision began to blur. When I brought my hand away, I realized that it was wet from my tears. I didn't even realize that I was crying.

"Ki- Hyun-," he wheezes in midst of this realization.

"Hyung," I cried before I examined his body in order to figure out what to do to keep him alive until the ambulance came. His head is bleeding badly. His breathing is unstable. His eyes are becoming unfocused. Some blood is coming out from his mouth which let me know that there are internal damages as well. I reached out to the side without thinking. When nothing got placed into my hand, I realized that I wasn't in the hospital and had nothing to use to save the love of my life. I looked around for something to use but there wasn't anything.

"This can't be happening. This can't be happening," I cried and screamed at the same time. Hyunwoo slowly reaches up with his right hand. I grabbed onto his hand and brought it up to my cheek as I looked at him while crying.

"Don't. Cry. It's. Going. To. Be. Okay," he says weakly while pausing in between each word to wheeze.

"It's all my fault. If I just stayed in the room. If only-," I began to ramble.

"Ki. Do. Not. Blame. Yourself. You. Would. Have. Done. The. Same. For. Me," he wheezes before trying to smile but he failed to do so.

"Hyung, please don't leave me. Please don't leave me behind. I- I don't know what I would do without you," I cried as I leaned more into his hand.

"Promise. Me. That. You. Will. Live. On. For. Me. Promise. Me," he says before coughing up some blood.

"But-," I stammered as my mind raced to think of a response.

"I. Love. You. Kihyun. Always. And. Forever," he struggles to say but manages to say those words of love.

"I love you too, Son Hyunwoo," I said as I held his cheek with my other hand. He forces himself to smile that smile of his that I know and love which also makes his eyes smile too. In the next second, his face relaxes, his eyes lose its vibrancy, and then his hand goes slack before he stops breathing.

I let go of his hand and face in favor of shaking him. "Hyung, this is not funny. This isn't freaking funny at all! You're just pretending, right?! You're just messing with me, right," I asked in a shaking tone as the tears continue to pour down my face as I cried. 

"Answer me," I shouted as I brought a hand to wipe away the tears as they were preventing me from looking at him. But, there was no response at all. Not even a whisper. "No," I screamed up at the heavens. A second later, it got hard to breath and then everything went dark.

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