Entry #113

90 6 2

Cause of Departure

by Shitloccah

TOM Gu was silently reading in his library when his right hand Hobi Yin arrived. Tom let out a sigh before returning the book to the bookshelves. He sat down on the desk and sipped tea.

"What's up?" Tom asked without emotion.

"Young Master, I'm sorry there's still no news," Hobi's answer failed. "But don't despair Young Master, I will do everything so we can find her."

"I'm thankful you're there and you're helping me," Tom said sincerely. "I want you to keep an eye what my Mother is doing. I knew she knew something."

"Yes, Young Master."

Tom was left sighing as Hobi came out of his library room. Tom sipped his tea again and stood up. Pulling out the adjacent sword that had previously rested on the top of the desk, shrinking eyes it turned to the part of the window that was now open. Dark but overlooking the radiant rounded moon outside.

"Get out of your hiding place!" Tom said boldly.

Tom prepared himself. Suddenly, those wearing black clothes appeared and even their faces were wrapped in black cloth, only the eyes were uncovered. Tom glanced at the assassins' swords. The corner of Tom's lip lifted slightly as more than five he was going to kill today.

An assassin rushed to Tom's place and was immediately attacked by the young man, who stepped on the first assassin away from him. The second assassin got a chance to attack causing it to collapse when Tom sliced ​​his stomach. On the other hand the third and fourth assassin rushed at once, Tom easily dodged when the swords of the two assassins both hit him. It curved its own stomach, at the same time as it slit the leg of the third assassin. It even rotated to hit the heart of the fourth assassin and then returned the third to cut his neck.

In the moments Tom fights the assassins, anger and resentment dominate his personality. Flaming and seemingly unstoppable quenching. Although Tom knew the man who wanted to kill him, he did not know enough to reveal it to his Father. He still needs a lot of evidence for revelation. In the fifth and sixth assassins, Tom slashed its necks with full force and now, Tom was about to stab the two assassins when they fled. They came out of the window they had entered earlier.

The door of his room opened and the guards saw the shock in their eyes when the lifeless assassin was found lying on the floor.

"Get rid of the clutter!" Tom's authoritative command.

"Yes, Young Master!" A guard said and the guards immediately obeyed the command of their Young Master.

Tom came out of the library room, it went to his bedroom to rest. As soon as he stepped into the room, Tom looked around before closing the door. It went to bed and sat up seriously.

"Come out!" Tom said with a high forehead.

From the toilet came the posture of a young woman about Tom's age, wearing men's clothing. That was enough to keep them from being noticed by anyone. The girl approached where Tom was, holding a sword.

"Young Master, your suspicion is correct. Prime Minister Felix Qui and Madam Belinda are conspiring." The girl said seriously.

"Good, Yelun Mu. What news did you get from the two?"

Yelun knelt without a word, but Tom remained emotionless.

"Young Master, the two have a relationship with each other. And I think they both have a plan of loss--"

Yelun couldn't finish what she was about to say when Tom stood up and aimed the tip of the sword at the girl's neck.

"I don't want to hear the next word come out of that mouth of yours!" Tom spoke deeply and forcefully.

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