Entry #189

51 2 6


by Lorintrovert

"I-I have something to tell you, Jean." He said nervously to her. "What?" she said briefly and looked at him carefully.

"Can I c-court y-you?" He stuttered as he scratched his own neck to remove the embarrassment he was feeling. "Huh?" She was shocked and couldn't believe what she heard.

"I like you at first sight. No scratch that, I think I love you from the first time we met," he says directly. "But, you know I'm still not allowed to have a boyfriend, right Kyle? Especially now that I am still preparing for the Civil Service Exam to become a police officer," she said.

"I will wait for you until you decide to finally accept my love. I can wait even if it takes long just for you." He persistently promised her with a big smile on his lips. "Okay, it's up to you if you can really wait. And if I pass the exam, I will give you the answer you are waiting for. Deal?" Her enthusiastic promise mixed with certainty in what she was saying. "Deal!" he replied cheerfully as his smiles seemed to reach the sky.

Kyle's courtship with Jean continued until the day they both longed for came.

"Kyle, I have something to say," there was sadness that settled in her voice. "Did you pass the exam?" He asked immediately and was very eager to know what the result would be.

"Bad news," she said briefly — which gave a negative reaction to his face. "Did you not pass the exam-" she didn't let him finish what he was going to say because she suddenly said the word, "YES," with a big smile plastered to her lips.

"What yes?" Kyle's response seemed confused. As if it wasn't clear in his mind what Jean wanted to convey to him. "You can now be my boyfriend!" she said cheerfully and immediately gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "W-What? I mean, are you really my girlfriend now?" he asked hesitantly. As if making sure of what was heard. The shock was still written on his face, but eventually, the smiles on his lips grew as the things he heard from her gradually sank into his mind. So he immediately hugged her tightly.

"Yes, I passed the exam. So, I will keep my promise to you," she said happily while hugging him. "Yes! Finally, this girl is now my girlfriend!" Kyle said happily and proud. He didn't even pay attention to the people looking around them.

"Stop it, Kyle. It's embarrassing. The crowd is watching us," she said shyly to him, and she even pointed out the people who were watching the two of them. There were even people passing by who congratulated them. "Why should I be ashamed when my girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world. I don't care about them. They might be jealous because you are finally mine. Just mine alone, get that?" mixed with pride, Kyle says.

As a result, the passion of their love intensified even more. They have so much fun together every day. There was never a day that Kyle didn't flirt with Jean. He often went to her house, and sometimes he also slept in Jean's room. And even though they are still new to their relationship, he can't help himself from proposing marriage to her and planning to start their own family.

Months had passed since her days with him have become colorful. But unexpectedly, a huge test began in her life.

"Mom!" she cried and called out loud to get her mother's presence into her room because of the severe pain she was experiencing suddenly. Soon her mother rushed into the room. "I can't stand this pain anymore," she rubbed her stomach in excruciating pain.

"What happened to you?" her mother said anxiously. "I just woke up suddenly because of severe stomach pain," she squirmingly answers. Shock plaster on her mother's face. "Just wait here. We will take you to the hospital. I'll just call your dad." Its voice inevitably shattered with panic.

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