Chapter 92 - That day...

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"I-I... what?" 


Ryujin made eye contact with Y/n. Y/n's eyes couldn't lie to Ryujin, she knew this much. Y/n's eyes were cold, but dark. He had mixed feelings. He trusted Ryujin's words like it was gospel, He only realized the effects of this decision recently. Y/n felt like he couldn't trust the woman in his arms anymore. He trusted Ryujin so much he never opened the letters without Ryujin knowing. Y/n's arms unwrapped themselves from Ryujin's torso, pulling away from Ryujin completely. Y/n stood up as Ryujin stumbled to stabilize herself.

"I think you should go." Y/n said plainly, he lost the trust he had in Ryujin. Staring at Ryujin made Y/n feel so guilty, his actions resonated throughout his adoptive family as it finally sunk in. His chest felt heavy as his throat tightened.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry, I didn't think my words through I-" Ryujin pleaded as she stood up, her tears blurring her eyesight as she reached out to Y/n, she was then cut off by Y/n's voice.

"Go, just go Ryujin." Y/n said as he flinched when Ryujin's hand met his forearm. He pulled his hand away from Ryujin's grasp and sat on the bed. The tension was high enough already and his words cut like knives. His eyes began to water as Ryujin gazed back at Y/n. Y/n had never been so blunt with Ryujin, his voice was filled with disappointment. Ryujin bit her lip, almost breaking skin, as she grabbed hold of the purse laying on the ground. Ryujin's eyes flowed with tears as Y/n buried his face into his palms. His shoulders bouncing up and down as he cried into his hands. 

Ryujin fought back the urge to scoop Y/n up into her arms and let him cry it all out. She knew this would be the wrong thing to do. Though Y/n knows that crying isn't a weakness, he doesn't like to be seen as vulnerable, and he doesn't like to be around people when he cries.

Ryujin wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks as she took one last glance at Y/n before she walked out of the room. Closing the door behind her, more tears flowed down her face as she covered her mouth trying to contain her whines. She felt so guilty, seeing Y/n rethinking their whole friendship was heartbreaking.


The sound of the running water, the cicadas that clung onto the trees, and the footsteps rung throughout the forest. It was a hot evening, the sun was on its way down. The day started off hot, cooling down as the time passed by. The water in the river rushed down ultimately falling into a pond. The sounds of flip-flops hitting the muddy ground can be heard. Two silhouettes emerged from the forest as they followed a trail. Their feet got submerged into the water as they crossed the fast-flowing river. The two held baskets in their hands. 

"Noona, I think after we get the berries we should go back." Y/n said as he shook off the water droplets that stuck to his feet as he held Ryujin's hand in his own. A groan left Ryujin's mouth as she stood beside him. 

"Y/n..." Ryujin whined as Y/n smiled at her empathetically. Y/n laughed as Ryujin pouted at him.

"Ryu, we both know I need to help Ma to cook. Plus we're pretty dirty, your Mama is going to scold us again." Y/n said as he pulled Ryujin along with him as he walked back into the woods. Ryujin started to walk sluggishly as she whined again.

"Y/n the rainy season just ended a few days ago! I couldn't visit you for 2 weeks. Just come live with me already." Ryujin said jokingly as she wrapped her arms around Y/n's arm. Y/n laughed in response, as he shook his head. Ryujin pouted and pushed his shoulder, which earned a look from Y/n. Y/n pushed Ryujin back and ran for it. Ryujin laughing as she followed right behind him. Y/n then stopped himself as Ryujin jumped up onto his back, Y/n immediately hooking his arm under her leg with his free hand to keep her secure. Y/n carried Ryujin on his back as the two calmed down from their giggle fit.

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