Chapter 30 - Déjà vu

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"Sure come in." Y/n said making space for Ryujin to come into the dorm. There was a momentary silence between the two, "So, what do you want to talk about?" Y/n asked with his hands in his apron pockets. He was slightly nervous from the thought of having to talk to Ryujin after a long time, Déjà Vu hit him. Y/n chuckled to himself because this scenario always plays out one way or another. "Y/n! Who was at the door?" Jun-seo shouted "A friend! hyung can you go to your room first? I have to talk to them. I'll take care of the pie!" Y/n shouted back at Jun-seo "Okay, the pie is set for 30 minutes, don't let it burn please." Jun-seo said walking out of the kitchen "Of course hyung, see you." Y/n said as Jun-seo put his apron away and walked away. Y/n and Ryujin walked into the kitchen, silence surrounded them. Only the ticking of the oven was heard.

"So, Y/n. I just wanted to say sorry for what I said, if I hurt you i-i never meant to do any of that. I'm sorry if I confused you, I'm sorry for saying that to you. I know you don't like talking about them so yeah. I'm sorry." Ryujin said her head hanging low. The silence was killing her, Y/n was looking at the Oven, his gaze never leaving it. Y/n suddenly smiled and giggled at Ryujin, gazing into Ryujin's eyes. "You don't think I forgiven you already? Look, I can't hold a grudge for too long. Especially with you. I mean you were right, but you could've said it better but I get your point. No need to apologize." Y/n said smiling down at Ryujin. Ryujin's face beamed "Look, I get it. My past is questionable. It seems like it was taken straight from an Anime or something. But, of course, shit happens. Nothing can prevent that, we need to make mistakes to learn." Y/n said as he sat on the counter and smiled at Ryujin who stared at him with a big smile "I don't like talking about my parents because I never felt like they were my actual parents, I'd that is what you wanted to hear." Y/n said with a soft smiled to Ryujin "Yeah, can you elaborate on where you came from?" Ryujin said leaning her hands on the counter before jumping and sitting opposite of Y/n "I came from my father, then my mother." Y/n said jokingly and smiled "That isn't what I meant Y/n." Ryujin said giggling a bit "Okay okay, I was born in Sydney, Australia then my aunt let me live in her house and work in her restaurant at 7 so I moved to the Faroe Islands with my aunt. I cooked, I cleaned and I served some food for 3 years. I then begged my aunt to let me move to Korea and she let me with 1 condition. If I didn't get into a company in 2 years, I had to come back to the Faroe Islands and help her with the business. Well, I got into RBW before 2 years and she was so proud of me. I love her with my whole heart." Y/n said smiling at the memories that he had collected throughout the years "Wow. At 11? All by yourself? I thought your parents lived near your apartment and they payed your bills." Ryujin said fascinated by how Y/n managed to survive in Seoul at only the age of 11 all by himself "Yeah well I haven't seen them in 9 years. I worked a few jobs to pay the bills whenever my aunt would forget to pay it online." Y/n said his feet dangling a bit "Oh, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Ryujin said a little guilty leaving Y/n behind a few years ago "It wasn't your fault so don't apologize. I'm just glad that we could debut soon." Y/n said with a smile. Ryujin smiled brightly at Y/n, she admired his attitude. His personality. Ryujin took in Y/n's appearance. The basketball shorts fit him showing off his toned legs and his long sleeve shirt that had it's sleeves folded to his elbows, the (favorite color/colour) apron hung from his neck down to his knees. His hair swept back a bit, it made his face shine, as if a light had been shone to his face. Ryujin was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't see Y/n doing the same. Y/n admired how Ryujin could look so beautiful in just some high waisted shorts and a oversized T-shirt. Her short blue hair complimented her face as it highlighted her beauty. He was staring at her deeply, her beauty captivated Y/n fully. Y/n then shook himself out of the trance as he remembered the pie. The oven beeped and then Y/n got down from the counter and got the pie out of the oven, as this happened Ryujin snapped out of her trance and looked away from Y/n trying not to fall back into the trance she was in. Y/n put the pie on the countertop to cool down as Y/n walked towards his room and said "Wait here Noona." And jogged to his room. Y/n grabbed onto the plastic and ran back to the room and put his hands behind him smiling "Noona, are you okay?" Y/n asked as Ryujin was rubbing her thighs together slowly and her face had a light pink shade scattered across her cheeks "Uh yeah, it's kinda hot here." Ryujin said as she was fanning herself  "oh wait give me a second." Y/n said as he got the Air Con's remote control and turned it on "Anyways, this is for you." Y/n said getting the Roses from behind him and presenting it infront of Ryujin "Thank you, you shouldn't have." Ryujin said getting off the countertop and taking the flowers from Y/n's hand "No problem noona." Y/n said with a smile. Y/n checked the time and it was already 7:34 pm "Uh, noona I think you should go back to your dorms now." Y/n said as he scratched his neck nervously "Oh, okay goodnight Y/n. Take care" Ryujin said not asking any questions and walking out of the front door. Y/n leaned on the counter and smiled to himself.

"Two more, let's do this. Just like Hyung said." Y/n said to himself with a big smile as he clutched his fist.

To be continued...

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