Father's Memento

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Author's Note:  Hey there guys! I really wanted to apologize for not updating last week. I had a family emergency and work has been making me tired lately not to mention I've been getting writers block on some chapters fillers. But rest assure this story will be finish before 100 year quest is animated. I still yet to read the manga so I appreciate it being spoiled free.

Thank you again for sticking around this long to ready my story!!


Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cc6wAkmTlp6V-6v22Zt-fJMki_kTuffs/view

Shana's P.O.V

"Wow, another? What gives?" Lucy says as she was reading the news paper. "Did something bad happened?" Alastor asked her. I was happily enjoying eating my melon breads. "Someone's been setting fire to churches lately." Wendy replied.

"To churches?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. That's a new low. "That's a subedited hobby." Carla muttered.

"I know him." Lucy said eyeing the man that's been on the news paper. "Doesn't he work for the counsel?" I asked peeking over her shoulder. "He sure does." Lucy nods.

"Seven years and he hasn't stopped frowning. Natsu look!" Happy teased as Natsu was already passed out. "He's dead to the world isn't he?" Romeo sweat dropped. Kilala was poking his face with her paw. "Brain dead and oblivious is pretty much of course with him." Lucy deadpanned so did I.

My whole body stiffen as I began to sense something. "Something wrong Shana?" Wendy asked me. "Uh, I think it's nothing." I said relaxing my body. Lately, I can't get this wired feeling that trouble might be upon us again.

"I can't believe someone would set fire to churches. Times have changed." Happy said. "Next thing you know stars will fall from the sky." I joked munching on my bread. Lucy eyed me weirdly. "Where do you come up with these kinds of things?"

"I'm having trouble catching up with everything." Wendy admitted. "Not to mention our seven year cat napped destroyed my clairvoyance. The future is nothing but fuzzy pictures to me now." Carla pointed out. I forgot she had that power. "That's not good." Wendy said. "It's quite annoying." Carla mutters. "I guess were just gonna have to see what lies up head for us from here." Alastor said.

Suddenly, Natsu got up and the same time I began to sense something. "That's a wired smell." Natsu pointed out. "You said it." I agreed can't picturing how to describe it.

"Sleeping beauty is up!" Happy announced with his mouth covered in fish.

"Hey, Lucy! You have a visitor!" Romeo shouted for her.

All our heads turned to the doors. A girl with long blond hair and a pin dress stood there. "The blond with the pig tails is the one you want." Romeo pointed at Lucy. "Thank you for the help young man." The girl said.

"Who's that girl?" Natsu eyed her.

"No idea." Lucy said not recognizing her.

The girl walked over to our table. "Um excuse me... but are you Lucy Heartfilia?" The girl questioned nicely. "Yes ma'am. I'm a Heartfilia but, who's acting exactly?" Lucy asked seeing she had no idea who this girl was.

"Who... am I" Then the girl burst into tears. "How could you forget your dear Michelle Lobster you meanie!" She cried. "W-What?" Lucy asked puzzled.

"Her tears are like waterfall." Wendy pointed them out. " They sadly reminded me of a certain other water mage we have." I sweat dropped.

"Way to be a jerk Lucy." Natsu deadpanned her.

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now