Sin and Sacrifice

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Normal P.O.V

Back with Rogue and Aria, Rouge was still having a battle with himself. He didn't want to believe in the dragon's words. He's not evil!

"Rouge! You gotta pull yourself together!" Aria shook him by the shoulders. 

"Why the hell are you two just sittin' there?"

Aria and Rogue gasped hearing a familiar voice. "Sting, what're you doing here?" Rogue asked seeing Sting running towards them.

"Thought I'd drop by and save your butts! Let's do this!" Sting yelled.

"Wait, so have you already beaten your dragon?" Aria asked surprised that he was able to defeat him so easily.

Scissor Runner roars behind the White Dragon Slayer. "Nope! Figured I'd just bring him with me!" Sting says with a chuckle.

Aria's eyes widen. "How are you such an idiot?" Now they have to deal with two dragons. Like one wasn't hard enough. 

"No worries guys, he's super slow!" Sting smiles running to his friend's side.

" This isn't the time for jokes!" Rogue scolded him.

"We're a team, aren't we? Figured we should take 'em on together!" Sting suggested jogging in place.

"Scissor Runner. This human has proven difficult to subdue. Give me your aid." Levia said to the other dragon.

"I'm not interested in taking one alive. I plan to kill every single human I can find!" Scissor Runner said.

Aria shrieks. "Nice going jackass! You pissed it off!" She glares at Sting.

"It was already pissed, to begin with! We're the Dragon Slayer Trio, right? So let's kick their asses. C'mon!" Sting says trying to encourage his friends.

Rogue gasped but it turns into a smirk. "Let's go." He said gaining his composure back.

Aria chuckles. "Man, you always have bad timing." She teases.

The three of them stood back to back. 'That's right. As long as I have Sting and Aria watching my back, nothing can touch me. If I'm destined to be tainted by evil, then at least I'll have their light nearby to strike me down!' Rogue smiles.

Scissor Runner and Levia roared.


Shana's P.O.V

I yelped as Lyon hovered over me for cover when one of the small dragons came to attack us. I don't know how he managed to get to Gray and me but he's here.

"Try and beat this. Ice-Make: Snow Tiger!" Lyon attacked his snow tiger at the dragons. The little one had no trouble taking it down in one blast.

"Ice Cannon!" Gray shouts shooting his ice at them. Yet it was quickly shattered.

I growled. "Water Dragon Aqua Bullets!" My attack seemed to be the only thing that was hitting them.

"I don't know 'bout you man, but I'm getting sick and tired of this underdog crap. Shana's showing us up. Let's take 'em out together!" Gray suggested to the other ice wizard.

"Sounds good to me!" Lyon smirked.

My shoulders flung down. "I ain't trying to show off?!!" I yelled feeling offended.

"Ice Make: Freeze Lancer!"

"Ice-Make: Snow Dragon!"

Combining their attacks seemed to do the trick. I gasped when more showed up. "They just keep coming." Gray grunts. No matter how much we try to defeat more just pop out of nowhere. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now