Astral Spiritus

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Shana's Shadow Clone's P.O.V

"Geez, are we ever gonna get there?" Natsu whines as the gang and I started making our way to the Astral Spiritus Princess Hisui gave us directions to.

"Eventually, but I'm afraid it's still ways off." Princess Hisui said leading the way. That's just great. 

"My feet are killing me!" I complained. 

"You're not even walking!" Natsu yelled as he was carrying me on his back. 

"They still hurt!" I shout. He shook his head. 

"Suppose I'd have dressed differently if I knew we'd be climbing mountains today," Yukino said that she picked the wrong outfit.

"Well, I got no complaints. This is a breeze." Happy brags using his wings to fly. 

I could use my wings to fly too, but I'd rather save my magic when we need to come across to fight.  Using my wings does take a lot of magic energy from me. 

Hisui pants as she almost tripped til Arcadios caught her. 

"Whoa," Natsu mutters as we stop for a moment. There was nothing but thick fog in front of us.

"It's said fog is the doorway to the Astral Spiritus." Princess Hiusi said catching up to us. 

" You mean the fog itself?" Natsu asked. 

"That's right. Throughout the course of human history. Numerous legends were born from this place. The sacred site of Astral Spiritus. Countless souls have journeyed here seeking the origin of celestial magic. But those who entered this fog were never heard from again. This spot is where all quests for Astral Spritus have ended." Princess Hisui explained. 

"So this the point of no return," Lucy mutters. 

"No one's made it through alive?" Happy asked almost sounding worried.  

"So the legends say. But forward is our only option." Princess Hisui said as Arcadios opens the case with the key closures. "Now, take your keys." We each held one. "These will carry us through the rest of our journey. So let's go." She points one to the sky and it begins to glow. 


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"Party's over guys!" Natsu shouts as we manage to interrupt Loke from doing the retrial. Natsu growls charging an attack at Loke. Loke grunts throwing his own attack. Happy and I had Natsu avoid it. 

All 12 Zodiac Spirits glared at us. 

"You'll pay for this..." Loke spat. "...with your life!" He charged at us. Again, we easily avoided his punches. 

"You're really serious," Natsu said seeing how intense the Zodiac Spirits looked. 

"We found 'em!" Lucy shouts as the others soon caught up to us. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now