Red In My Ledger | Part 8

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Summary: Part 8 of Red In My Ledger

Warnings: Fighting, violence, guns, shocking reveals, and cliffhanger!

Word Count: 2,898


Tony's POV

We arrive at Siberia. Yes, it was in my country but to admit, it's one of the coldest places to travel by. I remember having a mission there and you would never believe that how I felt myself freezing. The Quinjet was finding a suitable place to land so that we wouldn't alert the enemy base of our arrival. My inside was tingling a bit because I was kind of anxious of what was upcoming. But, as soon I had everyone by my side, including Y/N, I was relieved. We then depart out of the jet, and spread through separate ways to cripple the defences of the secret base. I was with Y/N and Steve, and we sneak our way to the back door. I gently look through the other side and see two people guarding the entrance.

I give Y/N a nod and she understands the task to be done, as she enables a smoke grenade which rolls past them both. They didn't realise it hit right through their feet when the smoke filled and they coughed the gas and immediately get distracted from our presence. Y/N topples over the one soldier and then grabs the gun from it's pocket, shooting the other. Y/N then joined us back and headed upstairs along with us to the above floor.

We arrive at the storage room, and I place my bag, unzipping it to hand over the guns to my teammates. "You'll need them."

"Of course, who will even go out to fight without guns?"

"Sometimes, words are much better than guns, it prevents violence."

"It's true that defeating violence can be done by a normal discussion, but right now.." I pick out my pistol through my gun pocket, and charge it, looking at Steve. "Guns and fists are our words."

Steve gives me a straight face, before giving a single nod. I then look at Y/N, who also nods back in agreement. We then head to the inside of the base, bashing out of the door and pay our attention to the guards in front of us.

Third Person POV

The scene then switches to a slow motion phase, where the guards begin to lift their guns, but Stark shoots the one soldier in a quick motion as he pulls the trigger. Before the other guard can do anything, Steve throws his shield at him.

The alarm blared around the base, and ou see more guards approaching near behind, and you run towards them to punch and kick them through the skills you learnt from the Red Room. While facing the other soldiers, the memories of you being a kid triggered in you while being trained to be a Black Widow. You were being beaten harshly by the trainers as if you couldn't feel pain. Your head felt dizzy and saw multiple visions of the trainer by your tired eyes, and felt to pass out.

But this wasn't you. You were back to reality, grabbing the soldier by the leg and tripped him down by force. You then grabbed their big guns and immediately shot the rest of the approaching soldiers.

Back to Tony, he runs over the coming guards and defends himself from their attack, before bashing them in the face with his own. He begins to then attack the other soldiers, punching and pinning them to the wall, and stabbing their back with his pocket knife. Steve meanwhile trying to knock out the other guards around the complex with his trusty shield.

"Is that all?" You shouted.

"Don't you feel they are?" Tony replied back. "Cause I think they'll send more for sure."

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