If Annabeth was taken instead of Percy

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A/N This was suggested by potterhead_shreya, which I found a very interesting concept. Especially the way Annabeth reacted in HoO.  I think we all know how much of a mistake it would have been on the God's side to do this, so let's physically write it out shall we? I will also will not be making it that Percy harms the Gods, I am writing it as it still has to happen in order for the events in HoO to happen; so no Percy changes place or anything like that.

I also added another small change, let's see if people will notice it...

Third POV

No demigod has had a proper night's sleep.


Because the great hero, Percy Jackson, demanded it so.


Because his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, is missing.

Vanished from camp.

And the Gods aren't replying to the prays from their children.

Which made Percy very suspicious.

So he decided to go up to Olympus himself. 

To confront the Gods.

Percy didn't even wait to be welcomed into the Olympian throne room when he threw the heavy, large doors with ease, startling the Gods currently in there.

Only Hera and Zeus were present, and turned to the demigod with wide eyes as he stormed up to them.

"Where is Annabeth?" Percy demanded, his eyes narrowed.

Hera looked at her husband, who was mad at the intrusion. 

"How dare you storm into Olympus without permission?" Zeus demanded "Just because you save us from Kronos, does not mean you get to-"

"I will ask again, where is Annabeth?" Percy said, even louder, his voice getting angrier and angrier "I know you have done something with her"

Zeus looked at his wife, who sighed, avoiding eye contact with Percy. 

"We should have taken the boy, then this mess wouldn't have happened, it's better him without memory than her" Zeus said in an urgent tone.

"Well, I can't change it now" Hera replied. 

Percy looked at the Gods, his head shaking with annoyance and disbelief. 

He's almost had enough of the secrets and the lies.

He just wants to know where his girlfriend is.

"What are you talking about?" Percy demanded "Without memory? What are you talking about?"

Hera sighed, finally turning to face the angry demigod.

"I know you're mad, and it's a good reason" Hera stated, "However it's for the greater good that I cannot tell you"

"WHAT?!" Percy yelled, making Hera jump slightly "So you DO know where she is?"

"And she is safe, let me assure you" Hera replied quickly "In the next coming days, you will see why"

Percy looked away, still in awe of how much they want to keep Annabeth hidden.

He heard Hera sigh.

"Look, I wish I could tell you, but the Fates bid me not to" Hera stated "She is safe and you will see her again, just not now"

"Why?" Percy asked, his voice cracking.

The Gods noticed his angry persona has now rapidly changed to a sad on; tears filling in his eyes as he continued to look away from the Gods.

"There is another Great Prophecy" Hera finally replied, making Percy look up at her with shock, almost frightened "And Annabeth is the key to it. She had to go so she can make sure the plan works. We need the allies"

"Allies?" Percy asked, making Hera nodded.

"There is a lot more happening than you think" Hera continued "But do not be afraid, there is a Greek demigod you know well who is keeping an eye on her. She will be safe...until the day upon you to will meet again"

Percy tried to smile, knowing that she is safe and well but he couldn't.

He knows deep down that the prophecy means another war.

They had only been together for four months and this happens. 

"I would like to ask something of you" Hera said, making Percy look at her confused "There will be new demigods coming to camp, one of them is named Reyna Ramireez-Arellano. Take care of her for she has lost her memory"

Percy widen his eyes in disbelief.

A demigod losing her memory?

How would this happen?

Suddenly the comment Zeus made before came to mind, making him narrow his eyes slightly.

"If you keep an eye on her, then your chances of finding Annabeth will come quicker and no, she does not know about Annabeth, not yet" Hera replied, before Percy could speak.

Percy took a deep breath, and nodded.

"Alright" Percy replied "I will do it...as long as you swear on the River Styx that Annabeth is safe"

Hera looked at Zeus, before looking back at Percy.

"I swear on the River Styx that Annabeth is safe in her current location" Hera said, thunder echoing around them.

Percy nodded, satisfied the Goddess didn't turn into a pile of dust.

"I shall leave you be, thank you for answering my questions" Percy said, bowing "I am sorry for my actions before"

"It is alright, you have a flaw of personal loyalty, we should have known this was going to happen" Hera replied "Just hang in there a little longer, Son of Poseidon"

Percy nodded and walked out the throne room, with tears swelling in his eyes.

He knows she's safe, but it's agonising knowing she is somewhere far away from him.

He just wants to be with her, and feel her warm, welcoming touch once again.

But the Goddess said to wait.

And that's what he's going to do.


WRITTEN: 10/10/2021


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