Last Christmas

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Anyway, since Christmas is around the corner, I am going to write a Christmas themed short story...sorry, it is a sad one but I will do a happy one, I promise. This one is after the giant war, the first one without Leo and Annabeth and Percy are very distant. The rest of the seven comfort Annabeth over Percy, making him feel lonelier than ever.


Percy's POV

I sighed, sitting alone at the Poseidon table as Annabeth sat with Piper, Jason, Frank and Hazel, on Christmas Eve dinner.

I did not want to interrupt them, as every time I'm around Annabeth it just makes it awkward for everyone else and they know that.

We just got distant after the war; maybe the Greek hero's curse is finally upon us?

"Children!" Chiron exclaimed, making all of us turn to him "I have an exciting announcement"

His smile was unbreakable as he spoke.

"Since the victory and loses of the war, the Gods wanted to create a new tradition to be shared among the Greeks and Romans" Chiron explained, making me look down, remembering Leo, who sacrificed himself to save us

 "So, they decided for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Instead of sending gifts...they will celebrate with their children" Chiron finished.

I widen my eyes, shocked myself.

I went to look excitingly at my friends, but they were only looking at each other, making me feel lonelier than ever. 

"Cover your eyes" Chiron instructed.

We all did, voices of excitement rained around us.


I opened my eyes and turned around to see Poseidon, my father, who I have only seen a couple of times in my life.

I smiled and hugged him, making him chuckle.

"It is nice to see you son" he said as we got out, and then looked around me confused "Where are your friends?"

I looked over to where they were on Zeus' table, my father following my glance.

They were talking with Zeus, who caught my glance and narrowed his eyes.

Poseidon sighed looking back at me as I looked away.

"Why are they over there?" he asked, making me shrug.

"It is awkward between Annabeth and I at the moment" I said "And it seems they believe she needs their help more than I do"

My last words sounded bitter, surprising me.

"Now, I don't think they meant that" Poseidon said "Athena lost quiet a few children in the recent war, they are comforting her"

"That is not an excuse for ignoring me and treating me like trash" I said coldly, surprising Poseidon.

He put his hand on my shoulder, making me look into his sea-green eyes.

"I know it might seem hard, but you need to talk to them. Avoiding them will not make it any better" he said "Now, do you want to go to the ocean? To clear your head before confronting them?"

I smiled, that's the best news I heard all day. 


The beach at night is beautiful and mysterious. 

The moonlight reflects off the water and makes the sand glow. 

The waves came in and out in a soft rhythm, calming me.

"I had always like the ocean at night" Poseidon said "Way more relaxing than children screaming "

I chuckled, agreeing with him.

I sat down on the sand, Poseidon sitting next to me.

"How are you?" he asked, making me look over at him confused.

"I am fine?" I questioned, confused.

He looked at me confused.

"You don't sound convinced" he said, making me sigh.

"I-I mean no one has asked me that before" I admitted, surprising him "It is always 'Percy do this' or 'Percy is the hero, he can do it'. They never ask how I am, they just assume because I am a 'hero' that I am fine...but I'm not"

I felt tears in my eyes, looking at my father, who was listening.

This is strange for me, people talk to me but never listen.

So I decided to get it out. 

"I am tired...I just want to relax for one second without someone saying I am a hero; flawless and able to do everything but I'm not" I ranted as tears fell down my face "They don't realise the pressure I have; from every single one of them, including my friends, the gods...I-it's getting too much"

I felt my father's arms around me, making me sob into his arms. 

The emotions which I have held over these years.

"How about you take a break...from all of this"

I looked at him confused, still in his arms.

"You can come back to Atlantis with me, I am sure Triton and Amphitrite would love to see you again" Poseidon said, rubbing my back "You can relax, and experience your kingdom more"

I nodded, smiling faintly.

"Thank you" I whispered.

I froze, remembering my father's comment from before.

"What about the others?" I asked, making him hum.

"I do not think they deserve you" he said, surprising me "They are just using your flaw. However, I do not think they know let's make them realise this when you are gone"

I nodded agreeing with him.

"Now" Poseidon said "Would you like to go now? Or get your things or-"

"Everything will provide memories, let's go now" I said, sounding quiet soft and...vulnerable.

I slowly stood up, Poseidon standing up after me.

He turned to me and offered his hand, a soft smile on his face.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

I nodded, grabbing his hand.

He teleported us away, the yells of my friends echoing around me. 

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