It takes time to heal

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A/n this is a Percy is abused by Gabe and it is revealed story.
Percy has kept it a secret for so long; only his mother there to comfort him.
All until one day his friends decided to act upon his weird behaviour.

This is 6 mouths after the war.

Third POV

Annabeth and Percy were in the arena, practicing with daggers.
Ananbeth thinks Percy needs to improve on all areas.
What Annabeth doesn't know is that Percy is actually trained himself at night because he couldn't sleep.
He can't sleep.
He won't allow it.
He gets haunted by dreams of his step-father abusing him and his mother dying over and over again.
He Iris messages his mother everyday to ask how she is going.
She is the only one who knows.
"Percy, you're slack-"
Percy disarms Annabeth with one swift moment, making her dagger clatter onto the floor.
"-ing" Annabeth finished "Wow Percy, even I didn't see that coming"
"Never get distracted" Percy said in a tired voice.
Annabeth looked concerned.
"You okay?" She asked "You look a little tired"
Percy shrugged it off, getting the towel from the bench to wipe off his sweat.
"Just hot, I'll be fine Annabeth" he said, turning to her and smiled.
Annabeth narrowed her eyes.
She knows Percy's hiding something.
And she wants to find out.

"Take off your top then" Annabeth said.
Percy froze for a second before smirking.
"You really want to see me topless so bad?" Percy asked teasingly, making Annabeth blush.
"No, I mean-"
"I know what you mean, I will be alright"
Annabeth snapped.
"You always say you will be alright and you're clearly not" Annabeth said, sighing.
She walked towards him and held his hands.
"Percy, please, we're here for you" Annabeth said, brushing his hair back "I'm here for you"
Percy smiled faintly.
Annabeth noticed something white on the back of his neck.
She felt it, making Percy flinch.
"Um Annabeth, what are you-"
Annabeth pulled Percy around so he is facing the other way.
She gasped.
A scar, on the back of his neck which looks like it trails down his back.
"What is that?" She asked as she touched it again.
Percy flinched.
"Annabeth please stop touching it" Percy said softly.
"I haven't seen that before" Annabeth asked "When did you get it?"
"A while ago so can we continue to-"
"Let me take off your top to see-"
"No!" Percy snapped, turning to face her.
Ananbeth widen her eyes.
Everyone around them went silent.
Percy never snapped.
Not at anyone.
Percy's face softened as he noticed Ananbeth's face.
He sighed.
"Look I'm sorry okay?" Percy said "I...I haven't been sleeping a lot lately and-"
"Look it's fine, I shouldn't have pushed you" Annabeth said "But at lest let me look at it"
Percy sighed and looked around to the people.
"It's okay" Annabeth said.
She was confused.
She swore Percy used to be fine taking his top off, especially for a swim.
Percy slowly took off his top.
He flinched in pain, his old scars red and some even bleeding.

Annabeth gasped.
Scars scattered his body, more than she can remember.
"Percy" she whispered, tears falling down her face "This isn't just war scars, isn't it?"
Percy sighed.
"I..don't like talking about it" Percy said awkwardly, all his confidence fading.
"Was...this something else?" Annabeth asked "A person?"
Percy flinched, avoiding Annabeth's eyes.
"I think you would know" Percy said, making Annabeth remember a time of when they were younger.


"What is this?" 12 year old Annabeth asked the 12 year old Percy, concerned.
She pointed to a scar on his right shoulder, which looked infected.
"Um...nothing" Percy said.
"It's not nothing Percy, it's infected, let me help you" Annabeth said as she got a first aid kit out.
Percy flinched as the disinfectant touched his scar.
" did this happen?" Annabeth asked.
"Ga- my step-dad lost his footing and fell on me, the beer bottle in his hand shattering all over me" Percy explained nervously, "It went on my shoulder, neck and back"
"Oh Percy, thats terrible" Annabeth said as she tried to continue to help him.

~end of flashback~

Annabeth gasped.
Everything clicked.
"It's your step-father wasn't it?" Annabeth asked.
Percy looked at her wide eyed.
She noticed tears fill his eyes.
She immediately hugged him.
"It's okay, I'm here, just let it all out" Annabeth softly said, making Percy sob in her arms.
After a minute she heard the sobs turn to soft snores.
He really hasn't slept in a while.
"Jason, Frank, can you help me with Percy so we don't wake him?" Annabeth asked.
Annabeth saw them both nod and grabbed him from her.
She smiled faintly.
Annabeth then swore she will be there for Percy and help him through this.
To help him heal.

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