DW and PJ crossover

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Hi, so I was watching DW's episode 'let's kill Hitler' and am idea for a book came to my head. What if one of Percy's past life was the doctor? Let's just say that the doctor didn't change to the 12th Doctor and died fighting off the Daleks to save Clara and the people of Christmas...

Oh almost forgot, this is story based 6 mouths after the giant war and Leo is back with Calypso but Thalia died in the war...

Percy's POV

"Doctor!" A female voice yelled I turned to where the voice was coming from to see a mirror and to notice my appearance has changed. Instead of my Raven black messy hair I had brown hair flicked to the side, my sea green eyes were replaced by brown ones and instead of my normal camp attire I was wearing a purple suit with a bow-tie. "Doctor help!" A different female voice echoed. I ran to see myself running in a destroyed winter town. Fires everywhere and some tin-can looking robots. "Exterminate!" One yelled as it chased a child. "Daleks!" I muttered under my breath. How did I know what that thing is, I haven't since it in my life! Suddenly all the town and Daleks disappeared, leaving 5 people that looked familiar standing in front of me. One was a young looking girl who was blond hair and blue eyes. She's wearing light blue hoody with jeans. Her teary smile broke down my heart. "Rose Tyler" I whispered unexpectedly "My bad wolf". My head was starting to hurt, how do I know her?!?
The next girl was holding the hands of the guy next to her. The girl was a redhead with brown eyes. She's wearing a denim jacket with shorts that had black stockings underneath. The man had reddish-brown hair with a Roman armour on. "Amy and Rory Pond, the girl who waited and the soldier" I whispered again as they nodded. Why am I knowing this, more I recognise them, the more my headache gets worse. The two women next to them I somehow felt like I should know them well. One lady has crazy blonde hair with blue eyes, she's wearing a silver one piece. The other girl has brown hair and eyes, she's wearing a blue and white poker-dot dress. "River Song and Clara, my wife and the impossible girl" I whispered. WHAT, A WIFE?!? But Annabeth..."Doctor save us" Amy said. The others joined in, making me fall to the ground in pain of memories.

~end of dream~

"PERCY, PERCY WAKE UP!" Annabeth yelled. I groaned and I hear her sigh in relief. I opened my eyes to see 8 pairs of eyes staring at me; multicoloured, grey, blue, gold, sea-green, three pairs of brown and a pair of black. "What's going on?" I groaned, rolling away from everyone and closing my eyes. I felt a slap on the check, making my eyes slam right back open. "Ow" I muttered. I sat up to see Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Nico, Chiron, my father Poseidon and my wise girl. "Why are you here?" I asked, yawning.
"You were yelling and screaming in pain in your sleep, waking the whole camp up' you even woke up all of Olympus. You didn't stop screaming and when you did, you were muttering about 'Roses' and 'Rivers'" my face paled as Nico explained, was I that loud?
"Did you have a dream about...that place Percy?" Annabeth asked, physically shivering at the thought. I shivered too because I knew what she was talking about, hell. "I wasn't dreaming about that, it was...do you have anything to eat, I'm hungry" I said, trying to get off topic. Annabeth was about to argue but Chiron whispered something in her ear, making her calm down. My father gave a nod before disappearing into mist. Hey, I wonder if I can do that? I'll try after I get out my room. "What do you want Seaweed brain?" Annabeth asked as Chiron walked off. "Fish fingers and custard" I blurted out, making everyone look at me weirdly. Why did I say that!?!? "What, I want to try it" I complained.
"Percy are you sure you're okay?" Piper asked. Fish fingers and custard...Amy. I gasped in pain as my dream came back.
"Are you okay Amy"
"Yes I'm fine"
"Swear on something important"
"Fish fingers and custard"

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