Looking at Me - Squeal to 'Copycat'

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@AnnabethJackson1237 wanted a sequel so I provide. I actually had fun writing 'Copycat' that I had the perfect song to follow that inspiration. And it's still going to be the rivalry between the sisters, don't you worry.

It has been a month since everything happened and Drew is getting less and less 'minons' , which made her mad. She thinks Piper doesn't deserve any of the fame she got, so she decides to do one last trick up her sleeve...

Piper's POV

I looked sadly at Drew, who was death glaring me back.

Because of what happened a month ago, almost everyone has been ignoring her.

Yes, what she did was cruel, however she is human.

"Piper, why are you looking at Drew?" Jason asked, kissing my head.

I sighed, looking back at Jason, sitting at his table since Drew would make my life miserable on the Aphrodite table.

"I know what she did was bad but she just wanted attention for once" I said "Ever since I came she has been getting none"

"I know, but that isn't an excuse to charm-speak everyone and using a potion to trick us into thinking that she was you" Jason said.

I sighed.

"I know...I just can't help but feel bad for her" I said.


"I came out of no where and not only kicked her off of her position as cabin councillor but stole your attention from her" I said "From then her life hasn't been the best"

"She is cruel, using her powers against her own siblings" Jason said "You probably saved me from using her powers on me, has has been given a taste of her own medicine"

I smiled softly, looking down.

He can make it seem like her fault all he wants but I know it's mine.

Just like this relationship.

I know it's my mother's fault and Hera's fault we're together or he would still be with Reyna.

Reyna is a nice girl and I just feel guilty.

She's found a mortal guy now but I still feel like it's my fault.

"Piper, don't overthink it okay babe?" he asked, kissing my forehead "I love you"

"I love you too" I whispered back, almost afraid of the word.

Jason noticed this, confused.

"Piper, what's-"

"Oh sister dear, I wanna talk to you" Drew said from where she was sitting, everyone watching as I stood up with a soft smile on my face.

Jason grabbed my arm but I pulled it out.

"Let's go outside?" I suggested as I walked over to her, Drew nodding.

Drew followed me outside, the warmth of the pavilion replaced by the icy cold air.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, turning to her, noticing a smirk on her face.

"I will get back what's mine" she said.

"The cabin?" I asked.

"Not just that, and Jason" Drew snapped "They're meant to be mine but you took it away from me!"

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