They're all around me, circling like voltures- alternate ending

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I know, you might be confused.
This was meant to be the second part of 'Save me from my demons'
This is meant to be named 'alternate ending to Save me from demons' but because of the letter count I couldn't fit it in.

But originally I was going to do something completely different for the second part.
However I didn't ditch it.
I kept it.
And here it is!
So this is like another alternate ending to the 1st part 'save me from my demons'.
Instead of it being 2 mouths since the incident, it will be 1.
Leo is back.
However, the 7 definitely know that Perseus is still there and will do anything to get the old Percy back.
Anything including risking their friends life...

Perseus is bold and italics

Percy's POV
I swear I have not had one moment on my own since what happened a mouth ago.
Once I was trying to avoid my friends because I didn't want them hurt but now I'm avoiding them because they're fuckin' annoying me.
And it's making me anxious.
'Friends are like that aren't they? Anything wrong with you they try to cover it up and protect you when it only pisses you off' Perseus said in my head.
No fucking way!
They're treating me like I'm a ticking bomb.
Well, I'm going to become on if they don't leave me alone!
I snapped out of my thoughts to see Annabeth and the rest of the seven, including Leo who came back from the dead.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"We've been trying to get your attention for 2 minutes! Is it him again?" Piper asked, almost intrigued that a demon is living in me, making me roll my eyes.
It's actually making me want Perseus to take control.
"Why do you care?" I snapped, making them jump.
I moved swiftly from my spot in the pavilion and straight to the beach.
"Wait up!"
I notice Will next to Nico.
"Will" I said as I was near him.
Will looked at me and then at my friends walking after me.
Both him and Nico groaned.
"They can't stop, cant they?" Will muttered "Hades"
'It's really annoying if you ask me' Perseus said through me, making Will and Nico widen their eyes.
"What the-"
'Relax, I'm just making a conversation' Perseus said again through me 'It's boring only talking to Percy'
"Hey!" I complained aloud, making Will and Nico look very confused.
"Can you not do that?" Nico said "It's just plain creepy, don't do that again"
I shrugged.
"Can't help it" I replied.
"Since when were you able to do that?" Will asked.
"As only a few seconds ago" I answered.
Will rolled his eyes.
I groaned, making Nico snigger.
"Go on Percy, you princess and her followers await" Nico teased.
I death glared him, making him jump.
"Your eyes-"
"Sorry!" I exclaimed, "I'm finally getting used to this"
'You finally accept me, I'm impressed' I heard Perseus say 'It's easier and less painful that you don't resist me doesn't it?'
'See? A demon curse isn't too bad once you accept it' He said as someone pulled me around to reveal the seven.

"What?" I asked annoyed.
"Are you okay? You're acting snappy" Frank asked.
"Maybe because I'm being followed everywhere I go and have no quiet time?" I asked.
"But Perseus-"
'Oh, she said my name, she's gonna be in big trouble'
Oh shut up, you can talk in a sec.
"It's a thing called Personal space" I said "And I like that and very nice move Annabeth to say Perseus' name like that; a classic"
Ananbeth and the rest of the seven freeze.
"All no" Annabeth whispered "I'm sorry! I just doomed you-"
Then she smirked.
"But if he comes out, we can defeat the curse once and for all and you can be free!" She said.
I looked at her, shocked.
'She really thinks she can kill-'
"No" I exclaimed "Leave Perseus alone"
"But Percy, he has caused you so much strife" Jason said.
"And you have too!" I said "How would you feel if your friends were treating you more of an experiment than a friend? Follows you around and gives you no where to move?"
Perseus giggled through me, making my friends widen their eyes.
"You really need to get off his back or I will slaughter you" Perseus said through me, my eyes probably going electric green.
'Act like you forgot what happened' Perseus said in my head after.
I acted confused.
Way ahead of you.
"What...what just happened?" I asked.
"Per-He talked through you...he actually threatened us so he can protect you" Leo said.
I turned to Will and Nico and winked at them.
I quickly turned back to the seven.
"He's only protecting himself" Annabeth said.
I rolled my eyes.
'She's more annoying than before' Perseus said.
"I would like it if you don't talk about me while I'm right here!" I exclaimed "Now would you excuse me, I'm gonna lea-"
"Percy, we're here to save you...don't you get that?" Annabeth demanded as I turned around, "We're here to make like normal again"
"You already made it a hell for me" I replied "Now go away or I will force Perseus to come out"
I heard footsteps leave.
'I'm worried' I heard Perseus say.
Why? Are you worried about me or you?
'Both' Perseus said.

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