The aftertaste - a Percy Jackson/Shawn Mendes story

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A/N so...I saw Shawn Mendes in concert and it was amazing so I thought to do a chapter of him.
Okay, this is going to be confusing but lets do it!

So soon after Percy was born Sally finally found out who her parents were, as she only had slight memories of them (she was 5 when her parents died) and found out their names where Jim and Laura Mendes from Canada. She changed her last name and without Poseidon's knowledge changed Percy's birth certificate; changing his name to Shawn 'Perseus' Peter Raul Mendes, in honour of her uncle who looked after Sally until high school when he died of cancer. She used the 'Jackson' last name still, to cover it up. Percy found out at 12, just before he went to camp half-blood, his mother telling him she dyed his hair black and made him have contacts because it would make him look like his father; natural colour of brown and brown eyes, just like his mother.
Every year as he came back home, he would cover songs and post it on YouTube until at the age of 15 when he got a label under his belt and mouths later released 'Life of the party', 'The weight', 'show you' and 'one of those nights'...making him known to the world.
After the giant war, Annabeth broke up with Percy he went back home to Sally who was now living in Canada, who comforted him and encouraged him to continue writing as he wrote 'handwritten' which made him famous.
He continued to stay with Sally, under the radar of Shawn Mendes to tour 'The Shawn Mendes World Tour' and then the next year writing 'Illuminate' and touring the world once again.
After the world tour, he stopped, realising he missed his old friends and returned to camp halfblood (with his black hair and contacts) at the age of 19, 2 years after the war. And Apollo thought it would be a good idea to do a singing contest to reveal Percy as Shawn Mendes...


Shawn/Percy's POV
I sighed as Annabeth came up to me again, it's the 10th time since yesterday when I got here.
"What Annabeth?" I asked, crossing my arms "If you're going to-"
"Please here me out!" She said, as I walked off.
"Nope" I said "You broke up with me and I've moved on and so should you"
This reminds me of my song 'Aftertaste'.
I start humming it as Apollo came up to me, making me glare at him.
Yesterday he announced a singing contest with 3 people, at lest one has to do two, from each cabin singing a song, which means four songs for me...great.
"Apollo, you know I'm already pissed at you, don't make me kill you" I said "I haven't lost my touch after traveling for 2 years"
"Yeah, traveling" Apollo said.
"Oi!" I said "I actually did"
He rolled his eyes.
"It's tonight-"
"I know"
"-and you have to sing one of your-"
"No way!" I exclaimed, making the seven who was comforting Annabeth look at me "Apollo,you know why"
"Come on, there's nothing hold you-"
"Just stop" I said, smirking "Or do you want me to burst into song?"
I noticed the seven coming closer to listen in.
"You know I can't lift the weight" I said, smiling at the memory of writing 'the Weight'.
Its about Annabeth liking Luke, even though she said she liked me.
"Now you're doing it!" Apollo said.
"You started it!" I whined.
I scratched my eye as the contact annoyed me.
"Owwww" I muttered "Stupid contact"
"Well after-"
"Got it, now can I prepare for torture?" I asked.
He laughed and flashed out.

I turned around to see the seven glaring at me.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Why are you...distant?" Jason asked.
"Well, you hang out with my ex so it's a little hard to talk to you guys without...the heartbreak" I said, looking down "Her breaking up with me shattered my heart; I was lucky mum was there to help as she's used to it"
"What?" Leo asked.
I'm not going to ask how's he's alive.
But I did she calypso so I assume he got her back.
"That is her thing to say but she had a bad childhood" I said "She had lots of her family die and her heart was broken, she helped me to move on and live life as a normal mortal...with the occasional monster attack,  but controlling mist helped a lot"

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