If you drown with a son of Poseidon around, you're very unlucky

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"Percy!!" Nico exclaimed as the son of Poseidon drags him into the cold ocean waters. Percy slowly takes him out until he is standing with the water on his chest. Nico, freaking out, goes on his back with Percy holding him.
"Jjust, don't let me go okay?" Nico said fearfully.
Percy chuckled.
"Nico, we're not so deep, I'm touching the ground" Percy said.
"Swear to the river Styx that you won't let me drown" Nico said.
Percy rose an eye brow.
"If you drown with a son of Poseidon around, you are the unluckiest person alive" Percy said, trying not to laugh.
"But seriously pl-"

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