Now you see me fly (part 2 to I'm on cloud 9)

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A/N soooooo, people wanted this so I am writing it! So this would be roughly 6 months after Percy joined the team and he has gone to the winter Olympus to try for gold, not knowing who is watching him from the side lines.

I am saying in advanced, I do not know a lot about Snowboarding and the sport so bare with me.

Percy's POV

I stood nervously in the teams tent.

"Perce, you will be fine mate" one of my teammates said "You are by far the most talented here and will definitely get the gold"

"It's my first ever major competition though Jeff, and I'm in the final" I said "What if I stuff up in front of millions of people?"

"You won't" Derek, the coach said, patting my shoulder "You will do get, no matter what, all of us will be proud of what you achieve"

Everyone in the team nodded.

I smiled.

"Thanks guys" I replied.


"You've got this man" Jeff said.

Another friend and fellow competitor Greg  smiled and grabbed his snowboard as well.

"Let's go mate" he said.

I nodded and followed him out of the tent, only to be bombarded by a girl hugging me.

"Good luck!" she exclaimed.

"P-Piper?" I asked as I let go.

Piper nodded.

"We came down to cheer you on!" she said.

"We?" I asked.

Suddenly the rest of the seven, my mum AND dad were standing there.

I widen my eyes and laughed.

"You guys actually came!" I exclaimed.

"Of course, we want to watch you win" Leo said "No offence"

Greg chuckled.

"We all think he's going to win" Greg said "Don't be too long, they just called us"

"Got it, I'll meet you up there" I said, making him nod.

I turned back to them and noticed Annabeth.

I haven't seen her since she broke up with me.

She looked...different.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Annabeth talked.

"You look well" she said softly.

I smiled.

"I am doing what I love, Of course I am well" I said "I am finally free and happy for once, and with no nightmares anymore"

"That's great" Jason said "When all of this is over, you, me and Pipes are overdue for a snowboard"

I chuckled.

"I agree" I said.

"All is well for you guys then?" I asked.

"Well, most of us" Piper said, smirking slightly as she looked at Annabeth.

She got what she deserved for being rude to me and breaking up with me.

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