Annabeth's sides

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A/N so this story is something I came up with, thanks to watching Sander sides (and I might make into a book, depending on what you guys would like it).
This is after the giant war, after honouring heroes such as Leo (yes, Leo is dead in this story) and Malcom. Percy gets sent on a quest by Athena to get her blessing to propose to Annabeth, Unfortunately he died in the quest, leaving Annabeth upset and disowned her mother.
6 months later Chaos appeared and blessed Annabeth, to be the next chosen one for the prophecy and got some powers of creation...and got connected to the guardians of personalities.
She got Creativity or her old crush Luke,
Logic or her recently killed brother Malcom,
Morality or Leo,
And Anxiety or Percy...
Annabeth couldn't believe they were alive, no one could believe they were alive.
But they were all behaving differently.
Luke is proud and loud.
Her brother is almost emotionless.
Leo is always happy and is making a lot more bad puns.
And Percy...he's cold and rude....

This would be based 1 month after having the guardians around and Annabeth realises Percy isn't as cold as he portrays...


Third POV

Annabeth sighed as she looked at a blueprint with her logic AKA her brother standing next to her in a white top and black tie on.
"I think if we move this front to over here than-"
"-more coverage and less damage!" Annabeth said, cutting her brother off "Thank you"
"You're welcome" her brother said.
"YOUR DREAMS ARE COMING TRUEEEEEE" Luke exclaimed, appearing next to them, wearing a typical prince outfit, his blonde hair glued back.
They both jumped.
"Really?" Annabeth asked with an amused look on her face.
"That was not necessary Luke" Malcom said, fidgeting with his glasses.
"Oh yes it was" Luke replied.
"She is doing what she loves" Leo said appearing, wearing his old camp stuff "And that makes me happy"
"Thank you Leo" Annabeth said.
"You're welcome kiddo" Leo replied, messing with her hair.
Annabeth sighed, knowing there's no use getting angry with him and looked at the paper.
"But what if this isn't good enough?" Annabeth asked "One false move and Olympus will be destroyed because of me"
"You need to think on the positive side of this" Leo said "You know you're smart and you've done this for years; just relax and-"
"So many people died in the giant war...why do we need another one?" Annabeth asked.

"My question exactly, princess"
Everyone turned to see Percy in his normal black hoodie over his pale face on Annabeth's bed.
"Oh its you" Luke said, both his and Malcom's facial expression turned into a frown.
"Hi Anx!" Leo said, waving frantically.
Annabeth rolled her eyes at the two boys.
"I'm sorry, was I not wanted at this exact moment?" Percy snapped, sitting up.
"No, you weren't now get out Anxiety" Malcom said "Annabeth was fine before you came"
"Ouch" Percy said, standing up as he put his hand over his heart "That hurt....not"
"Guys enough" Leo said "Percy is my dark strange brother and if any of you hurt him then-"
"Enough" Annabeth said, making all of them look at her.
She looked at Percy, trying to push away the memories of those two being together before his...death.
This is not the person she fell in love with.
This was a cold and rude man who makes her life worse.
"What if your plan was to fail? How many lives would be at stake?" Percy asked "thousands of lives will go because of one flaw..."
Annabeth frowned and looked down, knowing his words are true.
He walked over to the plan, getting glares by Luke and Malcom.
he pointed to a spot which was blank.
"What about there?" Percy asked.
"Group 1 can handle it" Annabeth replied.
"But it's such a big space...what if they can't take it? Yes, that group is majority children of Athena and Ares but what if they all get killed? The other groups would have no idea where to go and-"
"That's enough out of you Anxiety, get out of here, no one wants you here" Malcom snapped, pulling him out the way.
Percy put his hands up.
"I'm only saying my point, yikes" Percy said, turning around "Her plan is what got Leo and Malcom killed in the first place"
"Don't you say that!" Luke snapped, glaring at Percy "That was not her fault"
"It's not" Percy said, turning to them "It's mine"
And he vanished in a cloud of black smoke, leaving everyone wide eyed.

"DON'T SAY THAT TYPE OF STUFF ABOUT YOURSELF!!! COME BACK HERE!" Leo exclaimed, disappearing as well.
"Come on, let's hand this up to the Olympians and-"
"Percy is right" Annabeth said, looking down at the paper and cutting off her brother.
"Why are you listening to hi-"
"We need to triple check to see if this is okay" Annabeth said sharply, cutting off her brother again "We don't want any flaws at all"
"But there isn't any" Malcom said.
Annabeth pointed to one spot on the map, where Percy pointed to before.
"We can make group 1 smaller and put them in that spot, then every inch of the throne room will be protected" Annabeth said, making Malcom widen his eyes.
"That does make sense" Malcom said softly "We would need to check over the whole plan so there isn't any other flaws"
"Agreed" Annabeth said.
"But the Olympians need it in a hour!" Luke said.
"Then we can work, they won't mind if their plan comes later" Annabeth said, getting to work.

~~~~~~~~~4 hours later (around 11pm)~~~~~~~~~~~

Ananbeth woke up to voice in her personal cabin, making her bolt up, alarmed.
She stood up slowly and walked to her living room, where the noise was coming from.
She turned on the light, her dagger in her hand to see Percy sleeping on the couch.
He was violently moving around, his eyes scrunched up in pain.
Annabeth immediately ran to him, the anxiety radiating off of him strong.
Whatever he's dreaming off is effecting him bad.
She kneeled next to the couch.
"Percy...wake up" Annabeth whispered.
That only made him start to mutter.
"No....stop it" Percy muttered, moving around "Don't do that to her...I...I'm sorry....I-I didn't mean to"
Annabeth widen her eyes with surprise.
Who is he-
"Don' I'm sorry I..."
Annabeth started to pat Percy's hair to try and calm him down.
"Percy, wake up...wake up" Annabeth said softly again.

He bolted up, making Annabeth jump in surprise.
He groaned, his hoodie off to reveal sweat dripping down his forehead and baggy eyes.
He was still shaking and Annabeth knew almost immediately what the dream was about.
"Percy" Annabeth whispered, making him snap his head towards her.
He looked surprised.
"What's up princess?" He asked, his facial expression emotionless.
"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked, sitting next to him on the couch.
He looked away.
"I'm fine" he replied.
"No you're not" Annabeth said.
"Why do you care now?" He snapped "Worry about the other guardians, not me"
"Of course I can worry about you" Annabeth said "You're just as important"
Percy laughed coldly.
"Don't make me laugh" Percy said coldly "I'm not important"
"Yes you are" Annabeth said.
"Are you saying that because I was Percy Jackson or that you're feeling pity because I'm the personality trait which brings sadness and disappointment?" Percy said, looking Annabeth in the eye.
"None" Annabeth said "You are an important trait...anxiety is a 'fight or flight' reflex and over the last saved me from some sticky situations. You make me triple check the things I've done which benefits other people and saves lives. You do what's best to protect people...Yes, some types of anxiety are dangerous but you help me to keep mine at a natural away, especially after your...passing and Tar-"
Both Annabeth and Percy froze at the word.
Annabeth looked at him confused.
"You passing and being a guardian would have made you lose your nightmares of that place...right?" Annabeth asked, remembering as she talked to Leo about his 'mother'.
Percy looked down.
Ananbeth widen her eyes.
"You didn't" Annabeth whispered "You're the reason why I haven't been having nightmares of that place aren't you? You've been experiencing my nightmares"
Percy ignored her.
"Now I realise why Chaos chose you to be Anxiety" Annabeth whispered, making Percy look up "You're selfless and do you what you need to do to protect...and that's what anxiety is..."
Annabeth noticed Percy's eyes tear up.
"And you put that defensive mask on, getting everyone's threats and words thrown at you when you're actually the one who's saving them from nightmares from their past and anxious feelings" Annabeth continued.
She hugged her former boyfriend, who started to sob as soon as he went into her arms.
"It's okay Percy...I'm here" Annabeth whispered "I will always be here for you and love you"
Percy chuckled, the first time Annabeth's heard him chuckle.
"Thank you" he whispered.
Annabeth heard soft snores, indicating he's asleep.
She smiled as she felt her eyes droop too.

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