This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special

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A/N this is part two to 'Last Christmas', as it was quiet popular. @Travel_to_desire suggested the idea for this part, thank you so much!!!

So this is 100 years after the events caused, Christmas time again. Percy is happily living as the prince of the tide, right under Triton and Poseidon. It was time for their private Christmas but this year Zeus wanted everyone to celebrate together in honour of the deceased Greek hero from years gone by...

Percy's POV

"Prince Perseus" 

I turned to my opened door to see one of the merfolk guards. I sighed, smiling faintly.

"You know you do not have to call me by my title Diego, it can be Perseus" I said , making him bow.

"Your father requires your presence in the throne room immediately" he said, making me confused.

"of course" I said "Thank you, I will be there in a few moments"

I sighed, looking into the mirror to see an appearance I am now familiar with. 

Because of my offical crowning as the prince of the Tide, my appearance changed. 

Instead of my...demigod look, I have a new appearance, which keeps unwanted visitors unable to recognise me straight away. I have paler skin which has a blue tinge to it, darker sea-green eyes and my black hair longer. My features are more sharp. The massive difference is that I have acquired a tail and fins; my tail an ocean blue with some sea-green shimmery scales, and I have fins on my arms and side. I smiled, my teeth more sharp than a humans, putting my golden crown on, which was decorated with colourful jewels.

Now, I am ready.

I snapped my fingers, making me appear in my father's throne room, my father, half-brother and step-mother all ready there, with grave looks on their face.

"Prince Triton, Queen Amphitrite...father" I said, bowing "Why have you summoned me urgently"

"There has been a change of..plans to our usual Christmas tradition" my father said as I came back up "Zeus has decided all gods must spend the Christmas together, with a formally dressed event"

I widen my eyes with shock.

"So it is just you attending then?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"He asked for families to come along as well" he said, making me freeze.

"D-Do I have to go?" I asked "They still don't know about me"

"But they have their suspicion" my father said "I am sorry son...but you have to go back to Olympus"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to overcome the shock.

"Are those pesky demigods going to be there?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"Yes.." my father's wife said, making me snap my eyes open.

I know the seven have immortality, I heard about it through the merfolk.

Merfolk are such gossipers.

I hugged myself, knowing I would have to face them someday.

"I will come" I said softly, making their faces brighten.

"I know it will be hard, but think of it this way" Amphitrite said "You can show them how strong you are without them, they are most likely still mourning"

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