If Percy stayed with Calypso

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A/N hi guys! This story is when Percy chooses to stay with Calypso. Enjoy!

Percy's POV
I smiled at my wonderful girlfriend, who was sleeping in our bed.
I've been with her since I crash landed on this island at 14 and never regretted it since.
"Hey beautiful" I whispered.
She smiled as she opened her eyes slowly.
"Hey Love" She said "Had a nice sleep?"
"Amazing like always" I said.
"Happy 17th baby" she whispered as kissed me on the forehead.
"Thanks Cally" I said, making her laugh.

We haven't had that much problems.
Only when a couple of mouths ago, a son of Hephaestus Leo, came crashing onto the island.
He was flirting with her, making me jealous.
But then Gaea came and offered us to join her, which we declined and banished her.
Leo didn't want to stay (Thank the gods) because of his girlfriend which he currently has.
In which I asked who I might be, since I might know them and I knew her.
I haven't thought about her since the day I decided I will stay here.
She always hated me; Poseidon and Athena never meant to be.
It's good that she moved on.

"Get out of bed you lazy-"
"No name calling, that's mean" I said as I got out of bed.
I saw her making breakfast as I walked out the bedroom.
I kissed her from behind, making her chuckle.
"Percy, be careful, I have hot stuff in my hand" she warned.
"Sorry" I said, walking away from her to notice a letter.
I carefully looked at the letter to see the Olympian symbol on it.
"Sunshine...there's a summoning here" I said, making her freeze.
"Let me turn this off and we can read it" she answered and walked to me.
I sighed and grabbed the letter and opened it.

'To Titan Calypso And her immortal companion,

You are required to go to Olympus on behalf of a summoning from the Seven and various Olympians. Please, as soon s you are ready, sign the bottom of this letter in which you will get transported to the meeting.


I groaned as Calypso paled.
"They're probably going to take you away! No one has ever stayed for this long before!" Calypso cried "I knew it was too good to be true!"
"Hey, it's okay" I said, turning to her and hugging her "I will never leave you and I will always love you, I hope you know that" I smiled, letting go of her "And we have Hephaestus and Aphrodite on our side remember?"
She smiled.
Hephaestus was the one to try and get me back home, in which I declined but he has a forge here which he visits a lot.
Aphrodite was the one who gave me immortality, in which she asked what age I would stop aging and I said 17, in which I am now so I look the same age as Calypso.
"Should I ask Aphrodite to make you look different?" Cally asked.
"Maybe my eyes but not my hair; people know me for my eyes" I answered.
She nodded and a pink dust came from no where and attacked me.
I coughed as it smelt like perfume.
"I have done your eyes to a bright ocean blue, in which will change to normal colour when you admit you're Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. The Olympians have me here so sorry I couldn't give it to you in person but be prepared...there are a lot of familiar faces Percy" Aphrodite said, her voice echoing on the island.
"Ready?" I asked my girlfriend.
"Ready" She said And we both signed the letter, making us transport.


I groaned as we got to the destination.
"I hate teleporting" I muttered, making Cally laugh "Shut up"
"You have been summoned!" Zeus said.
"No styx!" I said sarcastically as I opened my eyes to see all the Olympians there....I widen my eyes.
Annabeth is holding hands with Leo, Nico is standing next to his father looking much older and I see Rachel next to Apollo.
They're all alive.
Zeus narrowed his eyes.
"Chose your words wisely mortal" He sad, making me roll my eyes.
Cally gripped my arm I worry, making me look at her and smile.
"Why have you summoned us?" I asked, my voice surprisingly booming in the throne room.
"You have been summoned because it has come to our attention that you have been with Calypso longer than any one has" Poseidon said.
"How was this information confirmed?" I asked.
"Leo, son of Hephaestus, step forward" Zeus said, making Leo step forward "Explain what you know"
"In the time I was missing for 2 weeks I was at Calypso's island and that was when I saw him there. He said he's been there for 3 earth years and loves Calypso" he said.
"Do you not know she is know for spelling men to fall in love with her?" Annabeth asked.
"I am aware of that daughter of Athena" I said, confusing her "But Calypso has done nothing on me but stolen my heart"
Aphrodite 'awwwed'
"How do you know me?" Annabeth asked.
"Well, I've been on Ogygia for 3 earth years and only semi mortals or immortals get on that island, you think about it" I said, making Athena gasp.
"You're a demigod?" She asked.
"Bingo" I said, making Cally laugh.
"Why did you leave? Which camp were you fro-"
"There's more than one camp?" I asked.
"Definitely halfblood" The blonde guy said.
He looks like a son of Zeus.
I turned towards Artemis and noticed a stone faced looking Thalia.
She's going to kill me when she finds out I'm-
"Why would you stay with a Evil Titan!" Zeus yelled.
"She is not evil" I growled "She is kind and caring"
"She sided with the Titans!" Poseidon said.
"But She was brought up with the titans being the good ones: she had no other knowledge!" I said, my voice getting angrier.
"Calm down Love" Calypso said.

I sighed.
"Thanks" I said.
"You're welcome" she said.
"This is what is going to happen: you, young man, can not stay with-"
"I object!" Aphrodite said "They have true love; she hasn't done anything to him and that's more punishment for something that happened years ago!"
"I agree with my wife" Hephaestus said "They are powerful together yes, but the man is the only pure soul in the world and Hades can confirm that"
Hades nodded, making everyone gasp and look at me.
Annabeth gasped.
"Wait...if you were here 3 earth years ago then you must have ran away from the war!" She snapped "How dare you-"
"Excuse me but it's not my fault!" I reported "I was apart of an explosion which got me to her island!"
"That would have been selfish!" A brown haired pretty girl said.
Daughter of Aphrodite.
"You don't know how much weight I had on my shoulders for being born: I was going to get killed anyway!" I snapped.
"You haven't been in a prophecy before!" Nico snapped.
"I have thank you" I said strongly, making Athena gasp.
She narrowed her eyes.
She knows who I am.
"We thought you were dead!" She stated, making everyone confused.
"Hephaestus's volcano exploded, not my fault!" I said, making Annabeth widen her eyes "And I couldn't leave Calypso behind and there is a couple of children of the big three now!"
"You are a child of one of us?" Poseidon asked "State your name and parent!"
I laughed and mockingly bowed.
"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon at your service father" I said, making everyone in the room gasp.

I stood up straight to see Poseidon in close tears and Annabeth growing pale, Nico looked even more pale and Thalia looked like she was about to kill me.
"How dar should run from your-"
"I never run" I said "I did what I though was right and I did; I couldn't leave a mess you created untouched because I knew that if I left and made a promise you wouldn't do it. So I stayed with Calypso and fell in love with her"
"But you loved me!"
I turned to Annabeth and laughed.
"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked "I did like you but that was before I met Calypso"
"How could you stay from us?" Poseidon asked, tears in his eyes.
"It's either live a life which is controlled by others or be free with the love of my life" I said "I couldn't leave a person who changed years ago to stay there and rot!"
"Percy, calm down" Calypso whispered.
"You're either going to take us back to Ogyga or make us mortal and we can live without worries from you!" I stated "If you really cared about me, you would have realised I was on the island or believed the god of fire and love"
Everyone looked at the two gods.
"We always knew where he was" Aphrodite said "And you never believed us and put the worthy on the son of Hades' shoulders in Where in fact you could have saved Percy and freed Calypso"
"I would have fulfilled the prophecy if you did let her go; it was a hard decision...trust my loyalty" I said.
I groaned as they still stared at me with shook.
"Stuff this, Lord Hermes?" I asked.
"Of course" he said, flashing myself and my wife off, leaving the gods pissed.

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